I know three of my friends read this, one anonymous net mama, and one nutcase with a vulgar namesake and penchant for odd remarks who shares my enjoyment of Jim Norton comedy. Oh yeah, and the little retard who felt the need to directly email me a complaint on my choice of writing subject. If you are still reading twit, you can still kiss my ass.
I had to explain what a blog was to a friend today. I told her it'd a form of online diary that's publicly posted. Or your own personal editorial column for a nonexistant and highly self obsessed newspaper that has room for feedback from random readers.
I know who's blogs I read, and why (beyond the obvious answer of "i'm bored and my son's asleep"...
Dom's Blog -
a very close friend of mine who lives too damn far away, so I catch up on his latest ecapades via his blog. I've dubbed him my own personal superhero.
Jessi's Blog -
fellow Seattlite mommy who's poptart punky and nice as hell. Her blog is funny, and she has one of the more interesting jobs I've ever come across.
Thea's Blog -
Another Seattle alterna-momma who makes the coolest purses EVER. Go...buy them now...
Her writing is amusing, and she's an all around sweet heart.
Nico's Bog -
keeping up with the theme, she's the third non-soccer mom type mamasita who is actually a nearby resident of Ballard. She has three kids, and they all completely rock.
Jim Norton's Blog -
Don't personally know him, but he's a damn funny comedian with a very twisted sense of humour...and a blog he made public. It's highly read, pretty sick and disturbing in parts, but makes for side hurting sillyness.
Alton Brown's blog - -
Not really a blog in the typical sense persay, as it's really just a part of this famous chef's website. But he writes these very funny rants and raves every so often that are very thought provoking.
So, who the hell is reading this? Leave a comment, sign the guestbook, whatever. It's nice to know someone's listening.
I'm listening! I linked you to me blog (arggh) so you may get a few of my strays. ???
Not really anonymous, just didnt want to go through all the registering rigamaroll...First off you crack me the hell up! I'm Heather and I'm a friend of Theas ...saw your link on her site...If you want to comment on my comment Thea knows how to get ahold of me..;)
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