Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mama's Xmas Wishlist

Yep, it's that time of year again. Scott asked me to come up with a list for him, apparently just saying "Everything Nightmare Before Christmas" is not a good enough answer. *sigh* so I wrote one, complete with noting a new pair of socks. But I thought long and hard...what do I REALLY wish for Christmas this year???

  • A democratic take over of congress (cheeeeeck!!!!)
  • My ex and I to quit arguing over stupid shit
  • My ex to actually wake up to the reality that he is being once again, an abusive fucktard and not actually caring about our son's best interests.
  • Drive thru divorce court...just that easy!!
  • Housing prices to lower so I can actually afford a bigger place, with a studio space and a backyard.
  • Affordable, quality daycare
  • the 12.5% gain on the next two months that's required for me to get my good bonus check
  • My staff to actually get through the holiday season without me wanting to strangle them.
  • My boss to wake up to the fact that the company does NOT treat store level management with any reasonable amount of care at all.
  • a feasable work schedule!
  • Be able to give to a charity this year that I am not wondering about the cost of overhead shrinking any donation.
  • Someone to invent self-scooping catlitter.
  • Hybrid cars to become cool looking and affordable, so that people will actually buy the damn things.
  • Conservatives to finally stop meddling with banning gay marriage.
  • Be able to find children's bedding that isn't emblazoned with commercialistic shite or teddy bears.
  • A self-correcting computer
  • Non-fading hair dye! woooot.....
  • Proper educational funding that isn't attached to hiking up property taxes.
  • Any educational reform that doesn't have to be riddled with loopholes and piggybacked spending for transit.
  • Tim Burton to make another movie

oh....and a pony....of course!