Saturday, August 21, 2004

Garage Sale Bliss

Well, everyone knows I am one garage sale lovin' fool. I go hunting every weekend, and always bring something back even if I only left with a dollar in my pocket. usually it's books and toys for Anthony, or little rinky dink items for the house (half the picture frames on my walls are G-sale finds).
Since my grandparents sent me birthday money (yes, I still get b-day checks from my family, fuck off cash is nice!), I decided to have myself a little bonanza of Gsale hunting today. I promised myself I'd purchase things on my 'need to buy' list for the house, or actually spend a couple bucks on myself this time (a very rare occurance). Boy was today the day to hit the sales! I've decided I am the discount diva.
I only spent ten bucks, here's what I got with it:

shirt for Anthony
Shirt for Mommy
Halloween jumper for Anthony
Hat for Anthony
3 Saint Candles
Baby gate for kitchen
Shot glass rack
2 childrens books
Rug to cover the wires in the hall
Drawer to turn into a shelf

Kick ass, huh? Oooooooooooh, but it gets so much better! Ya know that crappy ass couch of ours I'm always complaining about? Well, we got it second hand, and immediately two of the springs broke. Then the cats clawed it to death. Then Devon felt the need to pee on it (little bastard). So we have a broken, torn up, stinky sectional in our living room (that wasn't exactly pretty to begin with). While wandering the sales, I saw a loveseat/couch matching set up for grabs. I inquired, and she said to make her an offer. Apparently, their moving across the state and have no desire to lug it with them. I told them I'd gladly pay $100, but I had no way of transporting it to my place, or getting my old couch to the dump. They said for $100, they'll bring it to us, and help Rick get the old one to the dump in Freemont! BLISS!!!
I've repeatedly done my Ren & Stimpy happy dance, and will be hitting the web to find couch slip covers for these bad boys (that way, if the little fuckers pee on the couch again, I can just pull off the covers to wash).

1 comment:

Mother Hoodlum said...

I'm broke, would you take a post-dated one for a nickel?