Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debatin' and Hatin'

Okay, if you all didn't watch the presidential debates tonight, you need to go stick your head in a toilet and give yourself a swirly, I'm serious.
That had to be one of the most delicious PUMMELINGS I've ever seen. Sorry, Pubs, but your man got friggin' trounced. I lost count of the amount of times he stammered absently, and at one point sat with his jaw agape staring into the camera searching the corneres of his little mind for a decent rebuttal. Kerry indecisive and wishywashy? Eat it, he came out with gloves on, aggressively hitting each point, and very clear with his message. There's no flipflopping in this guy, so the president trying to make that his main point (which he did over and over and OVER again) was just inane. I guess we knew who did their homework last night.
North Korea was an interesting point of obvious contention between the two, which was interesting to see. Bush ran to China to 'back us up', and those talks have deteriorated quickly. Since he's been twiddling his thumbs hoping the Chinese take care of the problem, the obviously shirked Kim Jong Ill resultingly bult up a nuclear system that we were trying to prevent. Kerry wants to get down to business, roll up the sleeves, and actually face him in Bilateral discussions. I say go for it. But Bush is once AGAIN stubbornly refusing to face the problem. Gee, what a shocker.
When Bush started in his usual (and quite tired) rant of "we were attacked, so we fought back..." blah blah blah schpeil, Kerry also addressed the hammering point of most of us libs out there. If Osama Bin Laden is the one who attacked us, why did the 'War on Terror' suddenly get thrown into Iraq? Yeah, yeah, we know Sadam needed to be unseated, we KNOW, get off it. But we should finished what we started in Afghanastan, then looked at Iraq, but with a full goddamn BACKUP with the world armies. Bush countered saying we did have a strong coalition with our allies. Great Britain and...Poland. Now, all knee slapping polish jokes aside, how the fuck are you counting them as a GRAND Coalition?! New York has more populaiton then the whole pissant country, and we're supposed to consider their mighty military (which was like, what, two guys, a dog, and a slingshot?) as a unconquerable allegience? Our troops over there are 90% of the casualties. We aren't a united front, we're us and a ragtag group that couldn't max the capacity of a 7-11.
And as for the Osama vs. Saddam issue, what was our fearless leader's response? "I know who attacked us!" Glad you were following along, Junior, now care to elaborate? *cricket chirps* didn't think so...
What scares me about him is his arrogance. When asked if he truley thought that if Kerry was elected, America would face more attacks (as his campaigns and coherts have been alleging), he said flat out "I don't think it will happen, I know I am going to win". Don't get too comfortable, Geedub, we're watching you. And we're coming for November. Times up, asshole, you lost.


khemystri said...

I gotta say..... I hate Bush.... I hate him so much that I actually registered to vote which I swore I would never do... With that being said... I don't think it was such a landslide. I think Kerry made the most valid points, but i'm not blindly loyal, and won't say Bush did horribly... Let's face it, Bush supporters think he won... ...I think Kerry won the debate though... and the fact remains that Bush is just the WRONG CHOICE.

Pummeling???.... not in my opinion... ... but still a victory for Kerry!!!!


Unknown said...

yeah i wondering the same thing i saw a car downtown with a bush/cheney sticker on it. i was shocked! i hope they watched the debates.
it was quite painful to watch him wait for his live feed wire telling him what to say next, but i can't wait for the next one. yes i am odd!