Monday, September 06, 2004

Completely Random Update

Life has entered a weird holding pattern, kinda like a Southwest flight without an air traffic controller. That's all I'll really say about that, the ninja penguins may be watching....
Nico and I went on our thrift store frenzy this morning at Goodwill (yes, I know that place is a recurring theme, I'm a bored stay at home mom with time to kill).
List of purchases, because I know you are waiting with baited breath to hear...

Big fluffy pillow (which I will embroider a new case for and stick on the couch)
New Jeans (for me, cuz I'm rocking my new size)
hangers...hey, I ran out, so shoot me
2 dish towels
pretty silver picture frame (the birthday pic is going in there girls!)
Halloween window clings
A new denim-esque purse

All for the whopping total of $6.35, thanks to the uber sale they were having this fine sunny labour day. On the walk home we encountered a youngish couple with their little one, and sat and talked for a few. The dad stays at home (see, Darth, you aren't alone!), and seemed really keen on meeting other SAH parents who were "not normal", as he put it. I think our little club fits the bill on that end! I told him to do a lookup of the punkymom yahoo group, although I dunno if he'll be cool with the entirely female grouping there. We'll see, I'm sure I'll run into them again, they are right on 63rd.

Welp, that's about it for my corner of the world. I'm bound to post something more interesting soon.

1 comment:

darth sardonic said...

mother hoodlum-
tell that "not normal" dad hey for me. we all gotta stick together.