Friday, September 17, 2004

Cultivated Hatred

Alright, kiddies, I promised a return to ranting, so that I shall do. Some time ago I posted a list of things that annoy me. Minor irritations in the grand scheme of things, really. Things like the sensation that immediately follows squishing a bug in the sink drain.
But here, dear readers, are the things that I have formed an all-consuming, blood-bloiling, deep seated passionate hatred for...enjoy!

1) Conservatives who feel that the only reason I am a liberal is because I am young, stupid, easily swayed by 'biased media', and 'don't know any better'. yes, I realize this was on the irritation list, but it's moved up a notch.
More on just how my political views fit into things later. For now, let's just say these closed minded twits are usually ninnies posting on message boards while sitting in their whitebread suburbanite asses and have never known poverty or misfortune in their pathetic former cheerleader PTA member lives. (No steph, you don't fall into this category).
this goes double for the pissants who say I am 'unpatriotic' for my displeasure with the current administration.

2) Liberals who refuse to get into an intelligent dialogue with conservatives about the issues at hand, and simply storm off screaming "PROPAGANDIST!" while haughtily eating their granola and feeling all 'intellectual'. Again, I kindly deliver a "Fuck Off".

3) The fact that too many people have decided the core issue of this election is "National Security". Go choke on a red, white, and blue corn muffin, you ignorant sods. The real issues that SHOULD be facing this election are the troops currently in harms way, our educational system, healthcare, and the FUCKING ECONOMY.

Taking a sidetrack from my political rantings...
4) People who make grossly inaccurate judgement calls on my parenting abilities due to either minor points (such as formula feeding), or inconsequential points (my former occupation, my political views). You get extra wrathful smiting points if you've formed these judgements based on something I wrote on a message board.

5) People who are intentionally meanspirited and make cruel comments while hiding under the guise of "just being humourous". No, it's not funny to make someone feel like shit, so stop it.

6) Newscasters exaggerating the details, particularly weather. We had two little thunder claps and all of the sudden it's "Stormwatch 2004" Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNN!

7) People who live in tightly spaced apartment communities and are loud as fuck after a reasonable hour. I am not the only person in the neighborhood with children, or that might like a quiet night of sleep. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

8) Burglars. I don't care why you need money, although 8 times out of 10 it's to support a drug addiction. I worked my ass off to buy my property, what gives you the right to take it? None. May the ground open and swallow you whole.

9) Pedophiles who play the pity-me-I'm-just-ill card. Die. If you feel the need to touch a child in an innapropriate way, for your pleasure, you seriously were an accident of creation and don't deserve to have reproductive organs, much less live.

Okay, that's all for now. I have to run, but stay tuned for an update in the next few days that will make crystal clear my own political motivations and views.


khemystri said...

Regarding #6 (the weather)

I couldnt agree more..... I watched the weather channel for 3 hours straight, not because I was concerned, but just to watch these air-heads use the phrase "disasterous winds" over and over...

I loved it!!! 20 people died in that hurricane!!!
More people died of falling coconuts last year...

keep up the good work... IM READING!!!

Unknown said...

here, here chica! on the political note. i feel the same way. being broke a few times in your life can and will change your whole outlook on things. keep ranting!