Okay, if you all didn't watch the presidential debates tonight, you need to go stick your head in a toilet and give yourself a swirly, I'm serious.
That had to be one of the most delicious PUMMELINGS I've ever seen. Sorry, Pubs, but your man got friggin' trounced. I lost count of the amount of times he stammered absently, and at one point sat with his jaw agape staring into the camera searching the corneres of his little mind for a decent rebuttal. Kerry indecisive and wishywashy? Eat it, he came out with gloves on, aggressively hitting each point, and very clear with his message. There's no flipflopping in this guy, so the president trying to make that his main point (which he did over and over and OVER again) was just inane. I guess we knew who did their homework last night.
North Korea was an interesting point of obvious contention between the two, which was interesting to see. Bush ran to China to 'back us up', and those talks have deteriorated quickly. Since he's been twiddling his thumbs hoping the Chinese take care of the problem, the obviously shirked Kim Jong Ill resultingly bult up a nuclear system that we were trying to prevent. Kerry wants to get down to business, roll up the sleeves, and actually face him in Bilateral discussions. I say go for it. But Bush is once AGAIN stubbornly refusing to face the problem. Gee, what a shocker.
When Bush started in his usual (and quite tired) rant of "we were attacked, so we fought back..." blah blah blah schpeil, Kerry also addressed the hammering point of most of us libs out there. If Osama Bin Laden is the one who attacked us, why did the 'War on Terror' suddenly get thrown into Iraq? Yeah, yeah, we know Sadam needed to be unseated, we KNOW, get off it. But we should finished what we started in Afghanastan, then looked at Iraq, but with a full goddamn BACKUP with the world armies. Bush countered saying we did have a strong coalition with our allies. Great Britain and...Poland. Now, all knee slapping polish jokes aside, how the fuck are you counting them as a GRAND Coalition?! New York has more populaiton then the whole pissant country, and we're supposed to consider their mighty military (which was like, what, two guys, a dog, and a slingshot?) as a unconquerable allegience? Our troops over there are 90% of the casualties. We aren't a united front, we're us and a ragtag group that couldn't max the capacity of a 7-11.
And as for the Osama vs. Saddam issue, what was our fearless leader's response? "I know who attacked us!" Glad you were following along, Junior, now care to elaborate? *cricket chirps* didn't think so...
What scares me about him is his arrogance. When asked if he truley thought that if Kerry was elected, America would face more attacks (as his campaigns and coherts have been alleging), he said flat out "I don't think it will happen, I know I am going to win". Don't get too comfortable, Geedub, we're watching you. And we're coming for you...in November. Times up, asshole, you lost.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
A Word on Family
Well, I've known for years that I had a family that would make any talk show host drool. We take dysfunctional to a whole new level, an art form, really. But no matter how screwed up they can be, we still have the bonds of unity, although it takes horrible experiences to understand that sometimes.
I was a wee one, down in Southern California. My Dad had a sister, Nina, and boy were they tight. She had three children of her own, Chris (4 years older), Angie (two years older), and Nicky (1 year younger). Angie and I had our birthdays 1 day apart, so often the family celebrated them together. And in Southern California, we were one big DisneyLand luvin group. The families were different in a lot of ways, Nina's family was quite well off, while since a divorce rocked mine we struggled at times. It was weird, seeing them as kind of this 'perfect family', all three kids in private schools, and special camps, while I was a public school brat. But even after my clan moved upward into Sacramento, the families were close, and I saw my cousins and Aunt at least 2 times a year. Dad and I cherished the seven hour drive down there, it was our special time (and the beginning of our close bond).The bulk of our big ass Italian family also lived in SoCal, so there was always plenty of visits to other Aunts, Uncles, and cousins, and a reunion (which we had every year), busted the seams of my great Aunt Dolly's home. The entire family was close.
Dad's mother passed when I was 8 of cancer. Nina had been taking care of Grandma in her final moments, as she lived closer. By the time the extremely complicated estate was worked out, my Father had disowned my Aunt, and the rest of the family seemed to 'forget' about us up in the north. Time went by, and now it's been thirteen years since I've seen/spoken to the majority of those people. I tried to keep in contact, but no one seemed to care, now that grandma (who was the last blood tie to the rest of them) was long gone. Since the falling out between siblings, I was also estranged from the cousins I had grown up with.
Well, time heals wounds, and I managed to get in contact with the eldest, Chris. I popped down to Frisco, where he had moved, and had a wonderful time catching up. I found out he was Gay, and made sure he knew Dad and I would always be completely accepting. Just this March, we all went down to Frisco, Dad too, and got to see Chris again. I also discovered that Angie had gotten a sex change, and was now Nathan, also living in Frisco. Looking at the new young man in front of me, you couldn't see much of the former girl, except maybe in the eyes. He was so much happier in his new form, and Dad and I were overjoyed to reunite with the boys. Nicky still lived in Orange County with his mom, but after seeing Chris and Nathan, I started to have confidence that family ties may be restored. Chris and Nathan talked of hopefully coming up to Seattle to visit us. Nathan was enraptured with Anthony, and apparently really wanted to have his own children. (please don't ask me how that works, I have no idea, and assumed he would adopt). It's amazing how quickly I felt close to them both again. Nathan and I had so much in common it was scary. He was working in marketing, just as I had, and was now an active member in church and charities. He adopted his own little old lady, like my momma Ida, and we swapped granny stories.
I just got a call yesterday from Chris. Nathan was killed in a car accident Tuesday night. The services are going to be held sometime next week back in Orange County, and I will be flying down to attend. Dad's hoping to come as well, but work may not allow it if it's during the week.
Needless to say, I am upset. I feel like I was robbed, I just got back in touch with him, and now he's gone. I keep thinking over and over of his desires for a family, and how they won't be fulfilled. The rest of the family, some of whom weren't apparently too accepting of the change, will now never be able to make amends with a truely wonderful young man. I can't imagine what my Aunt is going through.
I also know I am about to experience one fucked up family reunion. We've been estranged from this family for so long. If dad can come, he will be face to face with the sister he's built up so much resentment for over these years. My head is spinning with this whole situation.
But this was my cousin. Man, woman, didn't care, we were tied. Angie was a nice girl to grow up with, and Nathan was an awesome guy to be related to and get to know all over again. So estrangements, disowning, bad memories, and bonds destroyed, I am going to California, returning to a home I swore I'd never return. I'm going because family is still family, and Nathan deserved me to be there.
Nathan, you were a great man. Rest in Peace, Cousin. I'll see you.
Nathan Cistone
I was a wee one, down in Southern California. My Dad had a sister, Nina, and boy were they tight. She had three children of her own, Chris (4 years older), Angie (two years older), and Nicky (1 year younger). Angie and I had our birthdays 1 day apart, so often the family celebrated them together. And in Southern California, we were one big DisneyLand luvin group. The families were different in a lot of ways, Nina's family was quite well off, while since a divorce rocked mine we struggled at times. It was weird, seeing them as kind of this 'perfect family', all three kids in private schools, and special camps, while I was a public school brat. But even after my clan moved upward into Sacramento, the families were close, and I saw my cousins and Aunt at least 2 times a year. Dad and I cherished the seven hour drive down there, it was our special time (and the beginning of our close bond).The bulk of our big ass Italian family also lived in SoCal, so there was always plenty of visits to other Aunts, Uncles, and cousins, and a reunion (which we had every year), busted the seams of my great Aunt Dolly's home. The entire family was close.
Dad's mother passed when I was 8 of cancer. Nina had been taking care of Grandma in her final moments, as she lived closer. By the time the extremely complicated estate was worked out, my Father had disowned my Aunt, and the rest of the family seemed to 'forget' about us up in the north. Time went by, and now it's been thirteen years since I've seen/spoken to the majority of those people. I tried to keep in contact, but no one seemed to care, now that grandma (who was the last blood tie to the rest of them) was long gone. Since the falling out between siblings, I was also estranged from the cousins I had grown up with.
Well, time heals wounds, and I managed to get in contact with the eldest, Chris. I popped down to Frisco, where he had moved, and had a wonderful time catching up. I found out he was Gay, and made sure he knew Dad and I would always be completely accepting. Just this March, we all went down to Frisco, Dad too, and got to see Chris again. I also discovered that Angie had gotten a sex change, and was now Nathan, also living in Frisco. Looking at the new young man in front of me, you couldn't see much of the former girl, except maybe in the eyes. He was so much happier in his new form, and Dad and I were overjoyed to reunite with the boys. Nicky still lived in Orange County with his mom, but after seeing Chris and Nathan, I started to have confidence that family ties may be restored. Chris and Nathan talked of hopefully coming up to Seattle to visit us. Nathan was enraptured with Anthony, and apparently really wanted to have his own children. (please don't ask me how that works, I have no idea, and assumed he would adopt). It's amazing how quickly I felt close to them both again. Nathan and I had so much in common it was scary. He was working in marketing, just as I had, and was now an active member in church and charities. He adopted his own little old lady, like my momma Ida, and we swapped granny stories.
I just got a call yesterday from Chris. Nathan was killed in a car accident Tuesday night. The services are going to be held sometime next week back in Orange County, and I will be flying down to attend. Dad's hoping to come as well, but work may not allow it if it's during the week.
Needless to say, I am upset. I feel like I was robbed, I just got back in touch with him, and now he's gone. I keep thinking over and over of his desires for a family, and how they won't be fulfilled. The rest of the family, some of whom weren't apparently too accepting of the change, will now never be able to make amends with a truely wonderful young man. I can't imagine what my Aunt is going through.
I also know I am about to experience one fucked up family reunion. We've been estranged from this family for so long. If dad can come, he will be face to face with the sister he's built up so much resentment for over these years. My head is spinning with this whole situation.
But this was my cousin. Man, woman, didn't care, we were tied. Angie was a nice girl to grow up with, and Nathan was an awesome guy to be related to and get to know all over again. So estrangements, disowning, bad memories, and bonds destroyed, I am going to California, returning to a home I swore I'd never return. I'm going because family is still family, and Nathan deserved me to be there.
Nathan, you were a great man. Rest in Peace, Cousin. I'll see you.
Nathan Cistone
Monday, September 27, 2004
Earth Quakes and Belly Aches
So, I'm watching the news yesterday, and they are showing lovely seismographs to scare the pee out of you in regards to our resident volcanoe here in the Northwest. Apparently, Miss Helen gets irritable once daily, but that's about par for the course, and they always stay below 1.0 on the Richter. Weeellll, our newscasters dropped the lovely news that over 850 fucking shakers hit below the crater yesterday. I'd say that's pretty goggamn significant. Then they parade out some dweeby seismologist who tells eeryone to stay calm and blathers on about heavy rains and expanding water beneath the surface. Hmmm...hey smartass, since we live in SEATTLE, which getrs a shitload of rain every year, why isn't this an annual occurance? Hmm? Didn't think you'd answer that one, four eyes, I'm going to go update my renters insurance and make sure I know where all my proper exits are (and quite possibly go find a large object to hide under until someone tells me otherwise).
NEWSFLASH FOR TODAY...okay, we weren't telling you the whole truth, Mr. Scientist says. Kinda figured that, pinhead, so what's up? Oh, we should expect an eruption or "Other major event"...MMmmm-hmmmm. God, I hate people with pocket protectors. *sigh* I have a feeling we'll get a nice little steam explosion to watch, possible ash outfall, and perhaps another earthquake. I will observe my cats and report my findings of any erratic behavior....wait, my cats are always erratic...shit.
In more personal news...who wants to hear about my reproductive organs? Well, then sit down kiddies, it's time for Momma Hood to do a little sharing. For those not in the know, way back in 1999 I got to have my first surgery, necessitated by a very large ovarian cyst on my right side. Dom actually met me two days before the slicing date, when I was hopped up on Vicadin due to the nausea inducing pain those little fuckers cause when they grow. Medical lesson: Your average female ovary is the size of a medium kalamata olive. When a cyst, like the ones I tend to cultivate, forms on the side, that olive can have a nice little siamese twin attached to it. My first present from hell was the size of a golfball when removed. Since I was so young at the time, a precious 20, I was told it was a freak occurance, rest assured they wouldn't return. Fast forward 5 years, and the collective lying sacks of shit we like to call doctors have had to remove two more, while missing two that ruptured in the most excruciating pair of experiences I've ever lived through. yes, children, it was worse than childbirth to have those puppies go pop down under. I've also had the lovely experience of adding to my health complications with a garden variety dysfunction called Cervical Dysplasia, which is nicey doc talk for precancerous cells. Back on the table I went, and all was once again "right" in my reproductive system (yeah, right, then we add childbirth to that fucked up mix).
The last rupture was in April, and it was a harrowing experience to say the least. I was home alone with Anthony, and suddenly flat on the floor gripping my side in blinding pain as I rationalized not calling 911 because no one would watch Anthony. I blathered about it much earlier in my blog, I think back in July.
So, why am I giving you this descriptive personal medical history lesson? Because I've had a slow building pain on my left side since yesterday. I've been through this enough times to rattle off the impending symptoms of an ovarian cyst like a medical referrence book. Fast blinding pain = cyst in the process of rupturing. Call 911, get shots of demoral and a bottle of percocet, they run lots of tests to make sure I didn't hemmorage. Slow building pain = Mega-cyst forming, get to the doc pronto, sit through painful prodding and ultrasounds, get slapped back on the operating table and no walking for a week, lots more pretty pills that make me see colours and drool in a corner.
Am I scared? Yes, but I've been through this before. Am I upset? Fuck yes, this shit gets old real fast, living in my own personal goddamn nightmare. I play beat the clock with the mind-numbing pain and possible internal damage of a rupture, only to get the joy of surgery, and walking like a shuffling little old lady for a week because they slice right through the muscle wall in your abdomen. Do they have an answer after all these years for why God chose me to be his personal voodoo doll of reproductive fun? Nope. Fucking doctors.
NEWSFLASH FOR TODAY...okay, we weren't telling you the whole truth, Mr. Scientist says. Kinda figured that, pinhead, so what's up? Oh, we should expect an eruption or "Other major event"...MMmmm-hmmmm. God, I hate people with pocket protectors. *sigh* I have a feeling we'll get a nice little steam explosion to watch, possible ash outfall, and perhaps another earthquake. I will observe my cats and report my findings of any erratic behavior....wait, my cats are always erratic...shit.
In more personal news...who wants to hear about my reproductive organs? Well, then sit down kiddies, it's time for Momma Hood to do a little sharing. For those not in the know, way back in 1999 I got to have my first surgery, necessitated by a very large ovarian cyst on my right side. Dom actually met me two days before the slicing date, when I was hopped up on Vicadin due to the nausea inducing pain those little fuckers cause when they grow. Medical lesson: Your average female ovary is the size of a medium kalamata olive. When a cyst, like the ones I tend to cultivate, forms on the side, that olive can have a nice little siamese twin attached to it. My first present from hell was the size of a golfball when removed. Since I was so young at the time, a precious 20, I was told it was a freak occurance, rest assured they wouldn't return. Fast forward 5 years, and the collective lying sacks of shit we like to call doctors have had to remove two more, while missing two that ruptured in the most excruciating pair of experiences I've ever lived through. yes, children, it was worse than childbirth to have those puppies go pop down under. I've also had the lovely experience of adding to my health complications with a garden variety dysfunction called Cervical Dysplasia, which is nicey doc talk for precancerous cells. Back on the table I went, and all was once again "right" in my reproductive system (yeah, right, then we add childbirth to that fucked up mix).
The last rupture was in April, and it was a harrowing experience to say the least. I was home alone with Anthony, and suddenly flat on the floor gripping my side in blinding pain as I rationalized not calling 911 because no one would watch Anthony. I blathered about it much earlier in my blog, I think back in July.
So, why am I giving you this descriptive personal medical history lesson? Because I've had a slow building pain on my left side since yesterday. I've been through this enough times to rattle off the impending symptoms of an ovarian cyst like a medical referrence book. Fast blinding pain = cyst in the process of rupturing. Call 911, get shots of demoral and a bottle of percocet, they run lots of tests to make sure I didn't hemmorage. Slow building pain = Mega-cyst forming, get to the doc pronto, sit through painful prodding and ultrasounds, get slapped back on the operating table and no walking for a week, lots more pretty pills that make me see colours and drool in a corner.
Am I scared? Yes, but I've been through this before. Am I upset? Fuck yes, this shit gets old real fast, living in my own personal goddamn nightmare. I play beat the clock with the mind-numbing pain and possible internal damage of a rupture, only to get the joy of surgery, and walking like a shuffling little old lady for a week because they slice right through the muscle wall in your abdomen. Do they have an answer after all these years for why God chose me to be his personal voodoo doll of reproductive fun? Nope. Fucking doctors.
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Raging Liberal Rant
Consider the title of this post before you continue reading...it's gonna get ugly...
I am a flaming liberal. Tree-hugging, educated, crybaby, damn the man, fuck the Bushes Liberal. I am young, I protest. I participate in letter writing campaigns and vote with a vengeance.
Now, I used to consider myself a tepid middle of the road type of gal, and in many respects I still am. I am all for the Death Penalty, I hate superflous taxation (like my goddamn cigarettes which now cost $5), and believe in harsher criminal punishment. I used to look at the presidential and local government candidates as individuals rather than party members. But suddenly our country became this psychotically polarized nation, where there was right, left, and no in between. Even our local voting here in Washington now refuses to allow you to vote outside your party. And the right became so damn right that well, most of us ran screaming to the left.
Bush is a fuckwad. He's a redneck, oildrilling, bomb the shit out of everything and take no responsibility fuckwad. Yes, 9-11 was a tragic, horrible day and I will "never forget", so get your flag out of my face. But this bullshit of parading around "national security" is such a goddamn farce it makes me sick. The reason our national security is at stake is BECAUSE of President Gomer Pile. The reason our troops are dropping like flies overseas is because no one likes us anymore, due to his bomb happy regime. Oh yeah, and despite how many of our armed forces he plunks down over there, he keeps conveniently forgetting that they need to be adequately paid, sufficiently armed and armoured, and have decent medical coverage for their familes back at home. We don't have any allies helping us out over there because the entire world forum thinks we're run by a trigger happy lunatic with poor grammer skills, and they ain't wrong.
And since Bush has forced us to currently live in fear (hello orange terror alert), we are gleefully allowing the government to strip us of our freedoms that we are so determined to "defend". What freedom and liberty are we defending when we allow the government to take it away "for our safety"? It's like taking away a kids crayons and then bragging about what a great artist he is.
Buuuuuuuuuuut, since I am protesting and calling him Captain Nitwit with an Aggresion Disorder, I am now "unpatriotic", "non-supportive of the troops", "a flag burning militant", and the best of them all..."uneducated". Allow me to address these falacies in their order...
I love my country, and all that it originally stood for. Freedom, independence, and a decent life for all. We'll make sure it's possible for all to thrive. Yeah, right. In reality, we have very few of those "freedoms" left, as noted by the "unpatriotic" statement. Our freedoms were based on the right to disagree, and loudly so, with our government in case it got out of hand. We've got rednecks freaking out about "them dern foreigners" (which by the way, unless you are a native american living on a reservation smoking your peace pipe, you ARE a fucking foreigner, too. So jump on that ship you are so diligently trying to push from your precious shores). I speak out because I want this country to return to it's glory, it's peaceful, thriving, non-judgemental, all for one and one for all glory. Tell me that ain't patriotic.
non-supportive of the troops
Aside from being a sucker for a man in uniform, I am anything but unsupportive of the gracious americans that are willing to risk their lives for a "real" threat to mine. My father wore that uniform, my close friends have worn that uniform, and some still do. I love those men to pieces, and think our government should reward their valiantefforts by providing them good pay and education, excellent training, the best defenses our taxes can buy them, and completely brilliant medical coverage. Considering how much we've put our national deficit into insane proportions, you'd think we could easily accomplish these tasks. Most importantly, I think the government should make DAMN sure they are sending these men over for a legitimate reason, not because someone looked at us sideways. Oh, and make sure our boys have backup and won't come back hated by every other free country in the western hemisphere.
Flag Burning Militant
I wouldn't have been a militant if the right didn't shove so much fucking doctrine down everyone's throat. I wouldn't be so righteous if I didn't watch the current administration trying to fuck with the constitution and make closeminded Bigotry nationally upheld. I wouldn't be so upset if the Mighty Moron didn't try and tell us that God chose him to lead our nation. I wouldn't want to burn that flag if I wasn't forced into being embarrassed of it.
Well, if my degree doesn't stand for anything, maybe my education in the school of hard knocks with a thank-you note from a fucked up life will. There was a time when I needed government medical help, but was treated like shit for it. I watched as what I thought were my basic needs (medicine, a dentist) suddenly considered luxuries by some prick in Olympia who had two SUV in his garage. I couldn't afford my rent because the job market took a flaming nosedive, so I became a stripper, and watched "family advocates" parade in front of the club and prevent me from making any dough that night from my usual crop of three pieced suit business men who didn't want to be seen by their picketing neighbors. I worked with a gal who got raped, but couldn't find a place to get an abortion for the pregnancy the filth that nailed her left her suffering. Oh yeah, she was raped because the area she lived in normally had a decent police force patrolling it, but had recently watched all the cops go bye bye because the assholes making decisions had chosen to make cutbacks. I watched five local schools lose all their afterschool programs and sports teams due to some tightwad fucking up their budgets. I watched the music programs I had gotten so much from suddenly get considered "uneccessary". I watched my not-quite citizened family members suddenly treated like shit because they don't speak English as well as the suburbanite asshole who buys sanwiches from their deli.
So...I am a Liberal, and until our Conservatively run Country can pull it's collective head from it's derriere, I'm going to be one for quite some time.
I am a flaming liberal. Tree-hugging, educated, crybaby, damn the man, fuck the Bushes Liberal. I am young, I protest. I participate in letter writing campaigns and vote with a vengeance.
Now, I used to consider myself a tepid middle of the road type of gal, and in many respects I still am. I am all for the Death Penalty, I hate superflous taxation (like my goddamn cigarettes which now cost $5), and believe in harsher criminal punishment. I used to look at the presidential and local government candidates as individuals rather than party members. But suddenly our country became this psychotically polarized nation, where there was right, left, and no in between. Even our local voting here in Washington now refuses to allow you to vote outside your party. And the right became so damn right that well, most of us ran screaming to the left.
Bush is a fuckwad. He's a redneck, oildrilling, bomb the shit out of everything and take no responsibility fuckwad. Yes, 9-11 was a tragic, horrible day and I will "never forget", so get your flag out of my face. But this bullshit of parading around "national security" is such a goddamn farce it makes me sick. The reason our national security is at stake is BECAUSE of President Gomer Pile. The reason our troops are dropping like flies overseas is because no one likes us anymore, due to his bomb happy regime. Oh yeah, and despite how many of our armed forces he plunks down over there, he keeps conveniently forgetting that they need to be adequately paid, sufficiently armed and armoured, and have decent medical coverage for their familes back at home. We don't have any allies helping us out over there because the entire world forum thinks we're run by a trigger happy lunatic with poor grammer skills, and they ain't wrong.
And since Bush has forced us to currently live in fear (hello orange terror alert), we are gleefully allowing the government to strip us of our freedoms that we are so determined to "defend". What freedom and liberty are we defending when we allow the government to take it away "for our safety"? It's like taking away a kids crayons and then bragging about what a great artist he is.
Buuuuuuuuuuut, since I am protesting and calling him Captain Nitwit with an Aggresion Disorder, I am now "unpatriotic", "non-supportive of the troops", "a flag burning militant", and the best of them all..."uneducated". Allow me to address these falacies in their order...
I love my country, and all that it originally stood for. Freedom, independence, and a decent life for all. We'll make sure it's possible for all to thrive. Yeah, right. In reality, we have very few of those "freedoms" left, as noted by the "unpatriotic" statement. Our freedoms were based on the right to disagree, and loudly so, with our government in case it got out of hand. We've got rednecks freaking out about "them dern foreigners" (which by the way, unless you are a native american living on a reservation smoking your peace pipe, you ARE a fucking foreigner, too. So jump on that ship you are so diligently trying to push from your precious shores). I speak out because I want this country to return to it's glory, it's peaceful, thriving, non-judgemental, all for one and one for all glory. Tell me that ain't patriotic.
non-supportive of the troops
Aside from being a sucker for a man in uniform, I am anything but unsupportive of the gracious americans that are willing to risk their lives for a "real" threat to mine. My father wore that uniform, my close friends have worn that uniform, and some still do. I love those men to pieces, and think our government should reward their valiantefforts by providing them good pay and education, excellent training, the best defenses our taxes can buy them, and completely brilliant medical coverage. Considering how much we've put our national deficit into insane proportions, you'd think we could easily accomplish these tasks. Most importantly, I think the government should make DAMN sure they are sending these men over for a legitimate reason, not because someone looked at us sideways. Oh, and make sure our boys have backup and won't come back hated by every other free country in the western hemisphere.
Flag Burning Militant
I wouldn't have been a militant if the right didn't shove so much fucking doctrine down everyone's throat. I wouldn't be so righteous if I didn't watch the current administration trying to fuck with the constitution and make closeminded Bigotry nationally upheld. I wouldn't be so upset if the Mighty Moron didn't try and tell us that God chose him to lead our nation. I wouldn't want to burn that flag if I wasn't forced into being embarrassed of it.
Well, if my degree doesn't stand for anything, maybe my education in the school of hard knocks with a thank-you note from a fucked up life will. There was a time when I needed government medical help, but was treated like shit for it. I watched as what I thought were my basic needs (medicine, a dentist) suddenly considered luxuries by some prick in Olympia who had two SUV in his garage. I couldn't afford my rent because the job market took a flaming nosedive, so I became a stripper, and watched "family advocates" parade in front of the club and prevent me from making any dough that night from my usual crop of three pieced suit business men who didn't want to be seen by their picketing neighbors. I worked with a gal who got raped, but couldn't find a place to get an abortion for the pregnancy the filth that nailed her left her suffering. Oh yeah, she was raped because the area she lived in normally had a decent police force patrolling it, but had recently watched all the cops go bye bye because the assholes making decisions had chosen to make cutbacks. I watched five local schools lose all their afterschool programs and sports teams due to some tightwad fucking up their budgets. I watched the music programs I had gotten so much from suddenly get considered "uneccessary". I watched my not-quite citizened family members suddenly treated like shit because they don't speak English as well as the suburbanite asshole who buys sanwiches from their deli.
So...I am a Liberal, and until our Conservatively run Country can pull it's collective head from it's derriere, I'm going to be one for quite some time.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Cultivated Hatred
Alright, kiddies, I promised a return to ranting, so that I shall do. Some time ago I posted a list of things that annoy me. Minor irritations in the grand scheme of things, really. Things like the sensation that immediately follows squishing a bug in the sink drain.
But here, dear readers, are the things that I have formed an all-consuming, blood-bloiling, deep seated passionate hatred for...enjoy!
1) Conservatives who feel that the only reason I am a liberal is because I am young, stupid, easily swayed by 'biased media', and 'don't know any better'. yes, I realize this was on the irritation list, but it's moved up a notch.
More on just how my political views fit into things later. For now, let's just say these closed minded twits are usually ninnies posting on message boards while sitting in their whitebread suburbanite asses and have never known poverty or misfortune in their pathetic former cheerleader PTA member lives. (No steph, you don't fall into this category).
this goes double for the pissants who say I am 'unpatriotic' for my displeasure with the current administration.
2) Liberals who refuse to get into an intelligent dialogue with conservatives about the issues at hand, and simply storm off screaming "PROPAGANDIST!" while haughtily eating their granola and feeling all 'intellectual'. Again, I kindly deliver a "Fuck Off".
3) The fact that too many people have decided the core issue of this election is "National Security". Go choke on a red, white, and blue corn muffin, you ignorant sods. The real issues that SHOULD be facing this election are the troops currently in harms way, our educational system, healthcare, and the FUCKING ECONOMY.
Taking a sidetrack from my political rantings...
4) People who make grossly inaccurate judgement calls on my parenting abilities due to either minor points (such as formula feeding), or inconsequential points (my former occupation, my political views). You get extra wrathful smiting points if you've formed these judgements based on something I wrote on a message board.
5) People who are intentionally meanspirited and make cruel comments while hiding under the guise of "just being humourous". No, it's not funny to make someone feel like shit, so stop it.
6) Newscasters exaggerating the details, particularly weather. We had two little thunder claps and all of the sudden it's "Stormwatch 2004" Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNN!
7) People who live in tightly spaced apartment communities and are loud as fuck after a reasonable hour. I am not the only person in the neighborhood with children, or that might like a quiet night of sleep. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
8) Burglars. I don't care why you need money, although 8 times out of 10 it's to support a drug addiction. I worked my ass off to buy my property, what gives you the right to take it? None. May the ground open and swallow you whole.
9) Pedophiles who play the pity-me-I'm-just-ill card. Die. If you feel the need to touch a child in an innapropriate way, for your pleasure, you seriously were an accident of creation and don't deserve to have reproductive organs, much less live.
Okay, that's all for now. I have to run, but stay tuned for an update in the next few days that will make crystal clear my own political motivations and views.
But here, dear readers, are the things that I have formed an all-consuming, blood-bloiling, deep seated passionate hatred for...enjoy!
1) Conservatives who feel that the only reason I am a liberal is because I am young, stupid, easily swayed by 'biased media', and 'don't know any better'. yes, I realize this was on the irritation list, but it's moved up a notch.
More on just how my political views fit into things later. For now, let's just say these closed minded twits are usually ninnies posting on message boards while sitting in their whitebread suburbanite asses and have never known poverty or misfortune in their pathetic former cheerleader PTA member lives. (No steph, you don't fall into this category).
this goes double for the pissants who say I am 'unpatriotic' for my displeasure with the current administration.
2) Liberals who refuse to get into an intelligent dialogue with conservatives about the issues at hand, and simply storm off screaming "PROPAGANDIST!" while haughtily eating their granola and feeling all 'intellectual'. Again, I kindly deliver a "Fuck Off".
3) The fact that too many people have decided the core issue of this election is "National Security". Go choke on a red, white, and blue corn muffin, you ignorant sods. The real issues that SHOULD be facing this election are the troops currently in harms way, our educational system, healthcare, and the FUCKING ECONOMY.
Taking a sidetrack from my political rantings...
4) People who make grossly inaccurate judgement calls on my parenting abilities due to either minor points (such as formula feeding), or inconsequential points (my former occupation, my political views). You get extra wrathful smiting points if you've formed these judgements based on something I wrote on a message board.
5) People who are intentionally meanspirited and make cruel comments while hiding under the guise of "just being humourous". No, it's not funny to make someone feel like shit, so stop it.
6) Newscasters exaggerating the details, particularly weather. We had two little thunder claps and all of the sudden it's "Stormwatch 2004" Dun Dun DUUUUUUUUNN!
7) People who live in tightly spaced apartment communities and are loud as fuck after a reasonable hour. I am not the only person in the neighborhood with children, or that might like a quiet night of sleep. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
8) Burglars. I don't care why you need money, although 8 times out of 10 it's to support a drug addiction. I worked my ass off to buy my property, what gives you the right to take it? None. May the ground open and swallow you whole.
9) Pedophiles who play the pity-me-I'm-just-ill card. Die. If you feel the need to touch a child in an innapropriate way, for your pleasure, you seriously were an accident of creation and don't deserve to have reproductive organs, much less live.
Okay, that's all for now. I have to run, but stay tuned for an update in the next few days that will make crystal clear my own political motivations and views.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Can I wear a neon sign?
Maybe I should start wearing a neon sign around my neck that says "HIRE ME!"...this job-hunting business is going nowhere. I'm either over-qualified or have the wrong qualifications. Blech. Everyone said with a degree you are garaunteed a job. They forgot to tell me "as long as it's not in ART". Jeesh, if you have an art degree, you might as well get used to saying "would you like fries with that?"
I'm not seeking serious employment or anything, just a little part time job to add to our income. I don't mind playing with my home-based businesses, but none of them are really cranking out a significant amount of cash.
*sigh* the search continues...I'll keep you updated, friends. But I'm not sure how much I'll have to say. Maybe I should just go back to ranting absently for now!
I'm not seeking serious employment or anything, just a little part time job to add to our income. I don't mind playing with my home-based businesses, but none of them are really cranking out a significant amount of cash.
*sigh* the search continues...I'll keep you updated, friends. But I'm not sure how much I'll have to say. Maybe I should just go back to ranting absently for now!
Monday, September 13, 2004
Consumer Whore
Well, my incesent rambling may actually lead to a few random dollars a month. I'm going to add a few ads to the blog to see if I can scrape up a few extra bucks. Supposedly I can customize these to my blog's content (ads for what, anti-depressants and pampers?). So if you see me all the sudden discussing a random product or service, you now know why. Feel free to click away, so I can have some cigarette money.
And don't hate me for adding these little puppies, you know I am strapped, peeps. See below post.
And don't hate me for adding these little puppies, you know I am strapped, peeps. See below post.
Defining Independence
Well, I've made the decision to attempt returning to the workplace, but it's not been a very popular decision in this house. In fact, it's caused a lot of unease between the husband and I.
But wait, we thought Rick wanted you to go back to work...
Well, the male mind is a fickle thing. He had wanted me to go back to work, and had often harped on my 'lack of contribution' to the household. He made it sound like I was some spoiled housewife that sat around eating bonbons and watching sopa opera all day. Never mind the fact that I spend my hours mainly running after our little boy, who each day learns yet another thing we don't want him to do (newest trick: pulling all the cables out from under the carpet and chewing on them). Also, I do my best to keep the hosue clean, laundry done, and food on the table in a timely fashion. I'm also the family secretary, making all the doctor appointments, birthday card mailing, gift buying, and ebay auction tracker (yup, we are 'power sellers', wohoo!). Yet he had constantly reminded me that it was his paycheck that paid our rent, and that he would decide how his money was spent. He had even tried showing my a job listing for a pizza maker once.
Well, apparently, he found some appreciation for all that I do and just neglected to inform me. But, more importantly, he's decided that this is all about him again. *sigh*
He came home to find me searching a few job sites and asked what was up. I told him I was looking for a part time job, probably in the evening. You see, I still refuse to put little guy in day care, and in reality, any job I return to won't be worth much if I have to include daycare costs. Returning to the workforce after two years (and even before that, 'Stripper' isn't the greatest thing to have on one's resume) isn't exactly going to yeild any executive positions. But, I can work evenings, from the time Rick gets home to whenever I can get home and get enough sleep to wake up refreshed and ready to take care of Anthony in the morning. Graveyard shift wouldn't really work, because I'd never have sleep time (sleeping from the time Rick gets home until I went to work is a good theory, except for that I'd still never sleep, what with Anthony's little outbursts. I also know Rick has the complete inability to allow me to rest peacefully for more than an hour or two).
But Rick has decided that my new quest for work is all about "not wanting to spend any time with him". Interesting theory, as he does have a tendency to drive me completely insane as of late. But that's not it. I want to work because...
A) There are things I need that he can't (or won't) provide for monitarily, like my teeth getting fixed, my bankruptcy declared, new contact/glasses perscription, and, oh yeah my freaking BIRTH CONTROL.
B) There are things I want that he can't/won't purchase, like a new computer, an Xbox (yup, I'm a geek), clothing, makeup, and hair dye, tattoos, piercings. Also, being an avid toy collector isn't exactly a cheap hobby.
C) Beyond my own wants and needs, we have things we need to purchase for the house that one income can't nail down, like new baby furniture, furnishings for the living room that aren't hand me downs and are childproof, childproofing equipment, shelving, crap like that. Oh yeah, and since we have a son, we need to have a college fund started. And that ain't happening on $34,000 a year in this ridiculously expensive town.
And last but not least, the Big One...
I want to work because I miss my independence. I want to go to the coffee shop up the street and buy my own goddamn mocha without feeling like I am giving myself an unwarrranted "treat", or worrying about how it will affect our budget. I want the freedom to pick up the groceries I feel like eating, and the baby stuff I want to get Anthony simply because it's on sale. I don't want to have to "ask nicely" for the ATM card, and then have a pre-planned presentation as to exactly what I am spending every penny of the twenty dollars I am looking for and why it needs to be purchased. I don't ever want to hear him utter that stupid phrase "It's my money..." ever again. And yes, I want the personal validation a paycheck provides.
This independence also extends to my uneasey feelings in our marriage as of late. Basically, I want to have a backup plan. If, God Forbid, the worst should happen and we split, I'm currently fucked. I would have to move in with Dad and quite possibly lose custody of my son due to the inability to provide for him. Then what? The ensuing panic would probably result into my falling back into habbit, which means back to the poles at Deja Vu and still not getting my child back because of my 'inappropriate' work choice. So, best to plan ahead, I always say. Get a job, get the bankruptcy so I can have a bank account, and sock some cash away for a rainy day. This 'preparing' isn't necessarily announcing I think this marriage is doomed, but it's being logically cautious. We're fighting a lot, and I can sense my own deepening depression that has so far already grown worrisome while remaining completely unchecked. The new friends I've made has helped aleviate it a bit, as now I have people I can vent to, but even still not everyone knows how far the rabbit hole has been dug. Well, Dad does, but he's supposed to, he's DAD. Dad knows all, even before I do.
So, despite Rick's newest bout of whining, my resumes are out there and the search for a new form of independence has begun. I'll keep y'all updated on the so far wuite fruitless foray into employment.
But wait, we thought Rick wanted you to go back to work...
Well, the male mind is a fickle thing. He had wanted me to go back to work, and had often harped on my 'lack of contribution' to the household. He made it sound like I was some spoiled housewife that sat around eating bonbons and watching sopa opera all day. Never mind the fact that I spend my hours mainly running after our little boy, who each day learns yet another thing we don't want him to do (newest trick: pulling all the cables out from under the carpet and chewing on them). Also, I do my best to keep the hosue clean, laundry done, and food on the table in a timely fashion. I'm also the family secretary, making all the doctor appointments, birthday card mailing, gift buying, and ebay auction tracker (yup, we are 'power sellers', wohoo!). Yet he had constantly reminded me that it was his paycheck that paid our rent, and that he would decide how his money was spent. He had even tried showing my a job listing for a pizza maker once.
Well, apparently, he found some appreciation for all that I do and just neglected to inform me. But, more importantly, he's decided that this is all about him again. *sigh*
He came home to find me searching a few job sites and asked what was up. I told him I was looking for a part time job, probably in the evening. You see, I still refuse to put little guy in day care, and in reality, any job I return to won't be worth much if I have to include daycare costs. Returning to the workforce after two years (and even before that, 'Stripper' isn't the greatest thing to have on one's resume) isn't exactly going to yeild any executive positions. But, I can work evenings, from the time Rick gets home to whenever I can get home and get enough sleep to wake up refreshed and ready to take care of Anthony in the morning. Graveyard shift wouldn't really work, because I'd never have sleep time (sleeping from the time Rick gets home until I went to work is a good theory, except for that I'd still never sleep, what with Anthony's little outbursts. I also know Rick has the complete inability to allow me to rest peacefully for more than an hour or two).
But Rick has decided that my new quest for work is all about "not wanting to spend any time with him". Interesting theory, as he does have a tendency to drive me completely insane as of late. But that's not it. I want to work because...
A) There are things I need that he can't (or won't) provide for monitarily, like my teeth getting fixed, my bankruptcy declared, new contact/glasses perscription, and, oh yeah my freaking BIRTH CONTROL.
B) There are things I want that he can't/won't purchase, like a new computer, an Xbox (yup, I'm a geek), clothing, makeup, and hair dye, tattoos, piercings. Also, being an avid toy collector isn't exactly a cheap hobby.
C) Beyond my own wants and needs, we have things we need to purchase for the house that one income can't nail down, like new baby furniture, furnishings for the living room that aren't hand me downs and are childproof, childproofing equipment, shelving, crap like that. Oh yeah, and since we have a son, we need to have a college fund started. And that ain't happening on $34,000 a year in this ridiculously expensive town.
And last but not least, the Big One...
I want to work because I miss my independence. I want to go to the coffee shop up the street and buy my own goddamn mocha without feeling like I am giving myself an unwarrranted "treat", or worrying about how it will affect our budget. I want the freedom to pick up the groceries I feel like eating, and the baby stuff I want to get Anthony simply because it's on sale. I don't want to have to "ask nicely" for the ATM card, and then have a pre-planned presentation as to exactly what I am spending every penny of the twenty dollars I am looking for and why it needs to be purchased. I don't ever want to hear him utter that stupid phrase "It's my money..." ever again. And yes, I want the personal validation a paycheck provides.
This independence also extends to my uneasey feelings in our marriage as of late. Basically, I want to have a backup plan. If, God Forbid, the worst should happen and we split, I'm currently fucked. I would have to move in with Dad and quite possibly lose custody of my son due to the inability to provide for him. Then what? The ensuing panic would probably result into my falling back into habbit, which means back to the poles at Deja Vu and still not getting my child back because of my 'inappropriate' work choice. So, best to plan ahead, I always say. Get a job, get the bankruptcy so I can have a bank account, and sock some cash away for a rainy day. This 'preparing' isn't necessarily announcing I think this marriage is doomed, but it's being logically cautious. We're fighting a lot, and I can sense my own deepening depression that has so far already grown worrisome while remaining completely unchecked. The new friends I've made has helped aleviate it a bit, as now I have people I can vent to, but even still not everyone knows how far the rabbit hole has been dug. Well, Dad does, but he's supposed to, he's DAD. Dad knows all, even before I do.
So, despite Rick's newest bout of whining, my resumes are out there and the search for a new form of independence has begun. I'll keep y'all updated on the so far wuite fruitless foray into employment.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
The Circle grows....
Bwahahaha....my social net managed to snag another victim....j/k. I had coffee with Miss Thea today, and all was nice. She's not allowed to ever let me babysit though. Her daughter is insanely cute, and I have a feeling I'd probably roll over like a puppy and hand her the rule to the house if she batted her eyes long enough. I'm a sucker for kids, I can't help it!
It's really weird, I went from knowing absolutely NO-ONE out here, or even anywhere really, and now I have an address book with entries in it! Feels good to be normal again. Luckily Rick's not being too threatened by my new socializing. It's football season, I don't think he really cares. He's happy that I am occupied enough to not bitch about the TV constantly flashing big men slamming into eachother over a ball. I may even plan a dinner party *dun dun DUN....*
Stay tuned for more nonsense...
It's really weird, I went from knowing absolutely NO-ONE out here, or even anywhere really, and now I have an address book with entries in it! Feels good to be normal again. Luckily Rick's not being too threatened by my new socializing. It's football season, I don't think he really cares. He's happy that I am occupied enough to not bitch about the TV constantly flashing big men slamming into eachother over a ball. I may even plan a dinner party *dun dun DUN....*
Stay tuned for more nonsense...
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Get a Damn Vocabulary!
I went out for a walk with Anthony yesterday, nothing special, just a wander. It was kinda spur of the moment, so I just threw on a Tshirt, flip flops, and my denim cutoff skirt. Anyways, while walking by a group of "men" standing around the autobody shop around the corner, I got hit on...I think. What I technically got was "Booyah"'d. Yup, walked by, and some wannabe grease monkey freak yelled BOOYAH really loud while staring in the general vicinity of my ass. I don't even really have much of an ass, so I am assuming he had low standards.
Anyways, What the FUCK is "booyah"? That's not a pick up line, that's just a thing to say randomly when you are being silly. And screaming it at a woman walking with her infant child is not exactly silly.
Now, if he had shouted one of the more common idiotic "Things to Say When You Want a Woman to Slap You", I could have at least countered with a disgusting look and witty comeback. And since I was frankly in the mood to deal someone a little shit, I was dissapointed that all I could really respond with was a finger and speedier pace.
I know, I know, only a small percentage of men in the world are like this pathetic fucktard, but for some reason that little slice of society happens to always run into me. Luck, I guess. SO, for all you freaks and wishfully thinking perverted fornicators who have no chance in hell and the brain power of a sea turtle, let me impart a little wisdom:
Get a fucking thesaurus.
And if you still insist on yelling random footnotes from your stunted intellect, go hang out at a construction site for some really impressively offensive things to say.
And if you feel the need to shout those pithy remarks at a woman in a short skirt with a stroller, watch out, she could be me, and in that case, expect an efficiently planted foot up your ass.
Anyways, What the FUCK is "booyah"? That's not a pick up line, that's just a thing to say randomly when you are being silly. And screaming it at a woman walking with her infant child is not exactly silly.
Now, if he had shouted one of the more common idiotic "Things to Say When You Want a Woman to Slap You", I could have at least countered with a disgusting look and witty comeback. And since I was frankly in the mood to deal someone a little shit, I was dissapointed that all I could really respond with was a finger and speedier pace.
I know, I know, only a small percentage of men in the world are like this pathetic fucktard, but for some reason that little slice of society happens to always run into me. Luck, I guess. SO, for all you freaks and wishfully thinking perverted fornicators who have no chance in hell and the brain power of a sea turtle, let me impart a little wisdom:
Get a fucking thesaurus.
And if you still insist on yelling random footnotes from your stunted intellect, go hang out at a construction site for some really impressively offensive things to say.
And if you feel the need to shout those pithy remarks at a woman in a short skirt with a stroller, watch out, she could be me, and in that case, expect an efficiently planted foot up your ass.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Completely Random Update
Life has entered a weird holding pattern, kinda like a Southwest flight without an air traffic controller. That's all I'll really say about that, the ninja penguins may be watching....
Nico and I went on our thrift store frenzy this morning at Goodwill (yes, I know that place is a recurring theme, I'm a bored stay at home mom with time to kill).
List of purchases, because I know you are waiting with baited breath to hear...
Big fluffy pillow (which I will embroider a new case for and stick on the couch)
New Jeans (for me, cuz I'm rocking my new size)
hangers...hey, I ran out, so shoot me
2 dish towels
pretty silver picture frame (the birthday pic is going in there girls!)
Halloween window clings
A new denim-esque purse
All for the whopping total of $6.35, thanks to the uber sale they were having this fine sunny labour day. On the walk home we encountered a youngish couple with their little one, and sat and talked for a few. The dad stays at home (see, Darth, you aren't alone!), and seemed really keen on meeting other SAH parents who were "not normal", as he put it. I think our little club fits the bill on that end! I told him to do a lookup of the punkymom yahoo group, although I dunno if he'll be cool with the entirely female grouping there. We'll see, I'm sure I'll run into them again, they are right on 63rd.
Welp, that's about it for my corner of the world. I'm bound to post something more interesting soon.
Nico and I went on our thrift store frenzy this morning at Goodwill (yes, I know that place is a recurring theme, I'm a bored stay at home mom with time to kill).
List of purchases, because I know you are waiting with baited breath to hear...
Big fluffy pillow (which I will embroider a new case for and stick on the couch)
New Jeans (for me, cuz I'm rocking my new size)
hangers...hey, I ran out, so shoot me
2 dish towels
pretty silver picture frame (the birthday pic is going in there girls!)
Halloween window clings
A new denim-esque purse
All for the whopping total of $6.35, thanks to the uber sale they were having this fine sunny labour day. On the walk home we encountered a youngish couple with their little one, and sat and talked for a few. The dad stays at home (see, Darth, you aren't alone!), and seemed really keen on meeting other SAH parents who were "not normal", as he put it. I think our little club fits the bill on that end! I told him to do a lookup of the punkymom yahoo group, although I dunno if he'll be cool with the entirely female grouping there. We'll see, I'm sure I'll run into them again, they are right on 63rd.
Welp, that's about it for my corner of the world. I'm bound to post something more interesting soon.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Surfin' the boards
With the exception of Dom, who started the crazy journey of knowing me as a friend in real life, most of my friends who are reading this know me from Message Boards. They're my new way of human interraction, saving me from insanity via constant exposure to children's television and my husband. Here's where I post, and why, just in case you are interested in whom I terrorize.
Food Network
particularly Paula's Home Cooking fanboard
I happen to be a bigtime foodie, and since I love me some Paula Deen, I post here. The group there is fun, compromised mainly of Southern folk who share her slightly off-kilter sense of humour. They have happily accepted me into their fold as "The silly little girl form the west coast". I get the coolest recipes from them, and get teased about my crush on Paula's son, Bobby, who frequents not only her shows, but the message board as well. But they are a sweet group of people. Little do they know I am a sarcastic little twit with a caustic sense of humour and a penchant for beating random people over the head with a nerf bat simply for not liking their toes. Mwahahahahahahaa.
The rest of the fanboards there are filled with jerks who have not only can't grasp the concept of changing the channel on a show they don't like, but feel so self-important in their pithy observations that they must fill up twenty threads describing their deep seated hatred of each show's host or topic. While I can hope that those people eventually take a leak on a conveniently located electrical device, I don't bother even going into the other boards.
Unfortunately, foodnetwork has recently found the whole board system to not be worth their trouble, so they are closing them. The refugees are heading to many other camps, I will post them when I've decided I've found my new posting home.
I love this message board because it's all about being a non-soccer-mom kinda parent. We're nationwide and proud, but there's a good number here in Seattle who've become my closer friends. There's a great comradery there, sharing tips, trials, and tribulations. They even share recipes!
It was originally just known as "Punkymoms", but the owner of said forum got all freaky and flipped out at the people who actually ran the forums themselves, and there was an ugly split which made all of us posters feel like kids trapped in a bitter divorce.
I had stumbled upon this board ages ago, and was pretty disappointed. What was presented as a dynamic group of women from all walks of life sharing advice and opinions was in reality a gaglge of ultraconservative and quite meanly judgemental uber bitches that would start flame wars with anyone who dared disagree with their insanely close minded opinion of the way the world worked (ie, ME). I had posted a message stating I was leaving after being treated rather unfairly by many of the members, only to get a snippy little message from a moderator telling me to "Just leave quietly".
Well, I still had apparently managed to worm my way into a few hearts, mainly of people who enjoyed my often cynical and often sarcastic point of view. Those members privately asked me to return via emails, and finally I crept back over to see the latest turmoil. Since the moderator was apparently lambasted for her curt response to me, I was allowed to return posting, which I usually do just to stir the pot. There's a particular nutjob there that I thoroughly enjoy creeping under the skin of to no end.
ChemFreeKids...God, what a bitch. She's a breastfeeding, bible thumping, granola crunching, gay bashing, attachment-parenting propagandist with a chip on her shoulder and an intense dislike and mistrust for anything born with a penis. Complete psychopath doesn't even come close to covering this woman's repertoir. She's a very annoying poster, who often times uses all caps and accentuates her inane points by giving every
it's own
like we'll really give fuck and pay more attention to her pathetic drivvle if she does so. She's also one of those fucktards who really loves to use smileys and exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we know that what she's saying is GOSPEL. Fortunately, she also pisses off even the most conservative posters there, so I am not totally isolated in lambasting her on a regular basis. What I am alone on is being a democrat, stinking liberal who is apprently just "uneducated". Did you know that CNN is considered biased media? Funny, I always thought it was jsut the goddamn NEWS. ugh. A day where I can have everybody on that boards' hackles up and panties in a bunch is a good day for me now.
Food Network
particularly Paula's Home Cooking fanboard
I happen to be a bigtime foodie, and since I love me some Paula Deen, I post here. The group there is fun, compromised mainly of Southern folk who share her slightly off-kilter sense of humour. They have happily accepted me into their fold as "The silly little girl form the west coast". I get the coolest recipes from them, and get teased about my crush on Paula's son, Bobby, who frequents not only her shows, but the message board as well. But they are a sweet group of people. Little do they know I am a sarcastic little twit with a caustic sense of humour and a penchant for beating random people over the head with a nerf bat simply for not liking their toes. Mwahahahahahahaa.
The rest of the fanboards there are filled with jerks who have not only can't grasp the concept of changing the channel on a show they don't like, but feel so self-important in their pithy observations that they must fill up twenty threads describing their deep seated hatred of each show's host or topic. While I can hope that those people eventually take a leak on a conveniently located electrical device, I don't bother even going into the other boards.
Unfortunately, foodnetwork has recently found the whole board system to not be worth their trouble, so they are closing them. The refugees are heading to many other camps, I will post them when I've decided I've found my new posting home.
I love this message board because it's all about being a non-soccer-mom kinda parent. We're nationwide and proud, but there's a good number here in Seattle who've become my closer friends. There's a great comradery there, sharing tips, trials, and tribulations. They even share recipes!
It was originally just known as "Punkymoms", but the owner of said forum got all freaky and flipped out at the people who actually ran the forums themselves, and there was an ugly split which made all of us posters feel like kids trapped in a bitter divorce.
I had stumbled upon this board ages ago, and was pretty disappointed. What was presented as a dynamic group of women from all walks of life sharing advice and opinions was in reality a gaglge of ultraconservative and quite meanly judgemental uber bitches that would start flame wars with anyone who dared disagree with their insanely close minded opinion of the way the world worked (ie, ME). I had posted a message stating I was leaving after being treated rather unfairly by many of the members, only to get a snippy little message from a moderator telling me to "Just leave quietly".
Well, I still had apparently managed to worm my way into a few hearts, mainly of people who enjoyed my often cynical and often sarcastic point of view. Those members privately asked me to return via emails, and finally I crept back over to see the latest turmoil. Since the moderator was apparently lambasted for her curt response to me, I was allowed to return posting, which I usually do just to stir the pot. There's a particular nutjob there that I thoroughly enjoy creeping under the skin of to no end.
ChemFreeKids...God, what a bitch. She's a breastfeeding, bible thumping, granola crunching, gay bashing, attachment-parenting propagandist with a chip on her shoulder and an intense dislike and mistrust for anything born with a penis. Complete psychopath doesn't even come close to covering this woman's repertoir. She's a very annoying poster, who often times uses all caps and accentuates her inane points by giving every
it's own
like we'll really give fuck and pay more attention to her pathetic drivvle if she does so. She's also one of those fucktards who really loves to use smileys and exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we know that what she's saying is GOSPEL. Fortunately, she also pisses off even the most conservative posters there, so I am not totally isolated in lambasting her on a regular basis. What I am alone on is being a democrat, stinking liberal who is apprently just "uneducated". Did you know that CNN is considered biased media? Funny, I always thought it was jsut the goddamn NEWS. ugh. A day where I can have everybody on that boards' hackles up and panties in a bunch is a good day for me now.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Birthday Curse Lifted
Well, my shitty birthday curse has been lifted as of last night. Aileen, Nico and I all went out for some mischeif, although we quickly ditched the Matador (they were snooty, not to mention way crowded). Probably the best decision we could've made! We wandered back over to the "Old P", a quasi-Irish pub here in Ballard. It was Bingo night, which basically set the pace for our little evening o' fun. The gals made sure I had at least 2 drinks, but on an empty stomach, those two had me stumbling blissfully. We played Bingo, and although I insisted all my cards had a 25 on them, none of us won a round. I kept one card for a souvenier, as I was one number spot of Bingo...and what was the square? "I-25"...oh, the irony...
Oh well! We still had a blast! Aileen would write "Poo" on her losing cards with her dauber, and I ended up giving myself "Bingo Stigmata" with mine by the end of the evening. Silly, silly drunkies...We topped off the evening with a trip to Taco Bell, where the ladies proudly bought me a birthday burrito.
Honestly, this was the first time any one who called themselves my friend really went to the trouble of ensuring me a good time. Anyone who approached the table at the bar was immediately informed of my day, and I got a lot of well wishes as we left. Nico, Aileen, you guys really did make my day. I'm gonna remember this one!
Even Rick was nice to me when I got home, and tumbled into bed. He had apparently felt ridiculously guilty for his crappy ass behavior, because he actually did go out and buy me a gift. Both of the Harry Potter movies on DVD, which I've been desiring for quite some time.
And apparently even the drinking Gods were letting me off the hook today, no hangover! Well, I better go wash off my blue wrist dots. Enjoy the pics!
The ladies of the evening
Bingo madness
Oh well! We still had a blast! Aileen would write "Poo" on her losing cards with her dauber, and I ended up giving myself "Bingo Stigmata" with mine by the end of the evening. Silly, silly drunkies...We topped off the evening with a trip to Taco Bell, where the ladies proudly bought me a birthday burrito.
Honestly, this was the first time any one who called themselves my friend really went to the trouble of ensuring me a good time. Anyone who approached the table at the bar was immediately informed of my day, and I got a lot of well wishes as we left. Nico, Aileen, you guys really did make my day. I'm gonna remember this one!
Even Rick was nice to me when I got home, and tumbled into bed. He had apparently felt ridiculously guilty for his crappy ass behavior, because he actually did go out and buy me a gift. Both of the Harry Potter movies on DVD, which I've been desiring for quite some time.
And apparently even the drinking Gods were letting me off the hook today, no hangover! Well, I better go wash off my blue wrist dots. Enjoy the pics!
The ladies of the evening

Bingo madness

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