Friday, May 20, 2005

On a lighter note...

Anthony turned a big whopping TWO today! I swear, even he must have realized it was a big deal, as he was perky and playful and happy all day. Not one fit. And of course, that means mommy-heaven.
I baked a mini cake in the shape of a football, and used the rest of the batter for cupcakes. Of course, I shared the spoonlicking responsibilities, although as he grows he must take this task on his own. He had batter from forhead to chin, and that was just after the first lick! It thoroughly amazes me that a child can become so messy from so little. After his nap and lunch, we had to taste test the freshly frosted cupcakes, to ensure their safety of course. Anthony was most pleased! It's a shame it rained the majority of the day, I think he would have lost his little mind with joy had we been able to go to the park as I had hoped. *sigh* hopefully tomorrow will be nicer, and we can take him in the morning. If not, we still have to go to YRU and spend the gift certificate his grandma Beverly sent him.
In crappier news, things with my brother have gone from bad to surreal, so much that honestly, I can't even talk about it here. Seriously, it's so shitty I cannot even inflict that drama onto my own BLOG.
So what goodness can I talk about? Sad to say there's so few bright moments these days. I am honestly wondering what I did to make my karmic bank account to go completely fubared like this. This mama ain't so easily downfallen, but it's taken everything I have within me to keep it together for everyone's sake. And knowing I am going at it alone is the hardest part. My Dad has been an insanely great help, as always. Moments like these last two weeks, I don't feel ashamed to cry into my father's arms. And oddly, I know that my needing him is what gets him through his own moments. I guess I understand it now that I am a parent. The hell I've been dished out seems to completely disappear when I look at my son giggling in the middle of the living room just at my presence. My great big two year old, who's favourite thing in the whole world is still to crawl onto my lap and just grin at me, and then get tickled. I know these moments are precious, and despite all that is happening around me, I will cherish every single second.


Anonymous said...

I hope that your day gets brighter tomorrow and that you can take your little one out for a day of FUN at the park.

darth sardonic said...

wow, anonymous is sending you a pleasant comment, how cool. things are going well here, leave for new mexico soon. glad anthony's 2nd was good.

darth sardonic