Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Movie rental night

Well, I know Dom's probably cursing under his breath that I didn't go to the theater the very opening day of this flick (hey, gimme a break, kid, remember?). We rented it the very first day it came out, kay?
I liked it, nice little flick. Great special effects! Since Dom never got to force feed me the comic book, I can only surmise as to how close to the story it stuck. I'll have to pick his brain later, as there were a few things I am needing background on to fully grasp it all. But can someone please explain why the HELL (pardon the ironic word choice) there were Gerald McBoing Boing cartoons on the DVD??? Even that seems a bit far reaching for fanboi stuff. So, for the winning snicker many people sat there with that annoying "who is that...I recognize the voice..." tick going through there heads. I suck at voice recog, but that one was itching in my head the whoooooooooooole time. Conveniently, they left the voice credit OFF, simply noting the physical character as some random guy. So, I, being the obsessive I am, had to go digging on the internet. Thank god for IMDB, right? David Hyde Pierce! Frasier inexplicably cute and dorky younger brother!!! I knew that friggin voice was familiar!!!!!!

1 comment:

fleshbasket said...

mcboing boing was one of the things HB was watching on the 12 T.V.s in the bsckground of his room. so for some reason, del toro put it on the dvd... don't ask me, i just work here. and although it strayed a fair amount from the comic, it stayed true to idea of it. you know, same crap, different director... i loved it.