Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Another really good survey from Diaryland

Well, for the thousands of surveys they have there, I only found two that were cool. This one is long, but very interesting...I warn ya, some of the questions were obviously written while SEVERELY intoxicated...you may just not want to answer them.

1. Have your parents ever used those sticky mouse traps before where the mouse gets caught and suffers until someone comes and twists it's poor little neck? did you feel intensly bad for the mouse? did you try to free it? If none of this applies to you..please describe any other mouse fiasco you have had (or make one up)

Yup, my parents used those. Since they were all over the bottom section of the house that I lived in, I would meticulsously check them so I could liberate the mousies before they died.

2. Describe yourself as you would to a therapist ("so tell me, who ARE you as a person, really?)

Hmmm..that's a toughy. I'm an impassioned democrat, but middle of the road liberal, I constantly look to learn, I've suffered boughts of low self esteem, I'm a fiercely protective mother, I'm a loner with outgoing tendencies...

3. what is your favporite food and what does it say about your personality?

Hmmm...I love too many different foods. I love pasta, especially pesto sauce on Angel hair...and I looooooooove chocolate. I don't think it says much about my personality. Maybe that I'm an Italian with a sweet tooth?

4. What do you think you were in a past life? Do not believe in reincarnatation?If so, tell me about your mother.

I'm actually supposed to have a pastlife regression coming up soon, so I'll get back to you on that one.

5. Now name the thing that if someone dressed up as, you would have an intense and deep desire to have their child

Jack Skellington. Or a cook's uniform. I swear for some reason those checked pants and white coat are hypnotizing for me.

6. would you rather be a werewolf, a vampie, a mummy, or a water fowl? explain the benifits of your choice.

hmmm...a vampire I suppose would be good because I'm a nightowl, and a quasi-goth, but I can't stand the sight of blood, so that could be a hinderance. I don't care too much for large breed dogs, so I don't think I could be a werewolf (unless I could morph into a pug or dachsaund). Couldn't do mummy, I'm claustrophobic, so I'd never stay in my tomb. Water fowl...I'm terrified of water, but I'd love the flying part. Plus, feathers are always in fashion.

7. If you had to mate with an alien from star trek or star wars to create an ultimate crossbreed which would save the universe, which species would you pick?

I never watched star trek enough to know all the breeds of folks. I suppose a Betazoid (or whatever that counselor chick was), and a vulcan, so I could read people's minds and tell them why their thoughts aren't logical.

8. if some kind of food had to be named after Jesus, which would it be?

Dark Belgian Chocolate. I'd praise that anyday!!!

9. Are you insulted at the idea of naming a food after Jesus?

Nah, just cause I was raised catholic doesn't mean I'm a very good catholic.

10. When yuo played Mash as a prepubescent, what stuff did you always have listed on it? What was always your worst option for each category? if never played Mash, make stuff up.

What's MASH?

11. If you were the author of those crazy tabloid magazines that are entirely bulllshit, what kind of crazt stuff would you make up to write about? Which celebrities would you scandalize? Would you make lots of money? If so, would you donate it to cute fuzzy animals?

That Christina Aguilara chick would suffer at the fate of my pen. And Jessica Simpson, although it doesn't take much to make her look silly. I would make lots of money, and donate it to some fuzzy animals, and ignore others that weren't fuzzy enough.

12. what is your favorite kind of cute fuzzy animal?

my cats. I love them, they drive me crazy, and they are both thoroughly fuzzy.

13. What would you rather wake up to find next to your bed, a ghost or an alien?

a ghost, definitely, because the whole alien one I'd be wondering just where the probes went.

14. what would be the worst possible experiment and alien could do to you?

make me listen to boy band music for several hour stretches.

15. If said alien did an anal probing on you, what would they find? (be creative!)

Last night's dinner?

16. Ok is that question way to gross? Do you feel tickly inside thinking about it?


17. Who do you know who would best fits the title of "gooey she-monkey"? Describe this person.

I will not say her name, except that I know her via a relative. She's an ickypoo nasty person, who lives on welfare and doesn't deserve to have children.

18. Ok, the word "sex" was in the title of this survey, so I will throw in a sex question. When, how and to whom did you are do you want to lose your virginity? How was it? HOw do you wish it was?

I lost it to my best friend's brother when I was 15, on a whim, and it was...un-moving, shall we say. I remember thinking, what's all the fus about?

19. Now for the generic question. What is your favorite cd/band/singer/music in general?

AAAAAAaach, too many to list.

20. Now, what thing would you most like to do while listening to this music that is naughty, bad, evil, or insane?

Fuck or dance, what else is there?

21. If it had anything to do with aliens mentioned in questions past, please leave me a note. Hm..I suppose I should throw in another generic question here. What is your sexuality? I don't want to know anything about beasties or babies, so just leave you animal and small child fetishes out of it.

I'm straight-ish. Thoroughly expored my girl-luvin side, and enjoyed it mucho. But I never really saw myself having a relationship beyond sexual with another woman, so I guess that makes me straight.

22. If you HAD to do it with a person of whichever sex you don't prefer, who would it be? describe them, as I may not know you and thus would have no idea who you were talking about if just given a name. And if you are Bi, hmm... Just don't answer the question.

OKay, I won't answer it then...

23. Which famous person would you have to be stuck entirely alone on the planet with to kill yourself immediately upon finding out they are all the company you would have for the rest of eternity and probably expected you to repopulate the earth?

Kevin Nealon, formerly of Saturday Night Live. I don't think he's funny, and he's pretty damn icky looking.

24. Who would you have liked to repopulate the earth with (if your are gay, imagine this is by the time when humans have evolved to be able to reproduce with people of the same sex)

Other than the obligatory response of "My husband, of course!", I'd have to say Orlando Bloom. That man is tooooooo dang pretty. There's a few other men in the world I know of that would make repopulation a very fun process, but since I have that obligatory response above, I shall not mention them.

25. Describe what sort of girl/guy you are most attracted to. BE totally honest. And when I say that, I mean looks entirly, no personality traits.

Smaller framed, ie lightweights. Must have a tatoo somewhere on their body. Doesn't matter what colour eyes, as long as they are very pretty ones. Long, delicate fingers...purrrr....

26. Now describe whichever of your parents is the saqme sex as the people you are attracted to in general. Both if you are bi.

huh? don't get that one...don't think I want to...

27. Now tell me, was Freud right about the whole thing about people being attracted to people look like their opposite sex parent in appearence? It counts even if it is just the same eye and hair color.

nope, not at all.

28. What do you think of Dr. Freuds Penis envy theory? If you are a guy, I don't want you to answer this. Instead tell me, if you had your penis ripped off in a freak accident or any other way, would you live the rest of your life as a man who lost his best buddy...or would you have the rest of your manly accesories hacked off, get breast implants, and run around wearing fish-nets until you died?

again, huh?

29. If your life were an epic tale, would it be science fiction or fantasy? What sort of non-human would be your forbidden lover? In what extemely dramatic way would you DIE?

I'd want it to be a fantasy, though in reality I'd be a friggin dramatic comedy...give me an elf (Tolkien version, not Keibler) and I'd be a happy girl. Hmmm...dramatic death? I suppose left to a desireably attractive mad scientist to 'do what he will'.

30. Which LOTR orgy would you prefer...hobbits, elves, royal humans, or black riders?

ELVES!!! I swear, was there a single ugly one in the group? nope.

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