Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hurricanes and Humanity

Like most world-concious people, I am watching in horror at the approach of Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans. This rare category 5 storm is carrying 175 mph winds, and is more than likely going to obliterate coastal Louisiana. I mourn the loss of the beautiful historical architecture in that city.
But most of all, I am mourning the loss of our humanity. Why do I chose to use such a dramatic term? I've read the last few articles as the government finally declared an evacuation order on the city. There are approximately 100,000 people that simply can't go. Either they don't have transportation (because they are impoverished), or they can't manage transportation safely (elderly). So, what are we doing? Leaving them there.
President Bush got off his warloving ass long enough to give them the formal declaration of emergency, but I don't exactly see our remaining National Guard rushing down there to help these people. What's wrong with us? How can we justify leaving anybody behind in this awful storm's path? We can send thousands of troops to the Middle East, but we can't organize a goddamn evacuation party on our own fucking soil?! How the FUCK can this happen? 100,000 people. That's a big number, although it's still a manageable one. But we can't get some troops down there loading people onto trucks or buses? Better load up 100,000 body bags later then.
Oh, send them to the damn Superdome. FUCK YOU, what about the people who can't FUCKING get there? I'm sorry, but I hate sitting here like a helpless lump watching this shit. I can only hope that humanity actually has a little bit of glimmer left in them so that people who are perhaps living next to some of these folks are helping them. Because it horrifies me to know that now money in this country truely does mean the difference between life and imminent death.
I feel like God is giving us this last ditch chance to prove that we still consider human life precious. But we're not exactly jumping at the opportunity.
Even if you aren't religious, please pray for these people. Pray for the 70 yo woman with arthritis who can't drive and was left in her home. Pray for those people who had to give up the luxury of a personal automobile in favour of groceries who have now been doomed. And pray to GOD that the rest of the nation that can do something gets off their asses and DOES SOMETHING. Get those people out of there NOW.


Cynthia said...

Even the Super Dome may not help.

Anonymous said...

I saw on the news this a.m. that part of the Super Drome's roofing has blown off and more may come off yet. They had to move all of the people that took shelter out of there to somewhere else. Bush had more than enough warning that this hurricane was headed in that direction; he should have given up some of his personal "down time" to make sure that everybody was moved to a safe place!!!