Monday, August 15, 2005


So, today I was puttering around myspace and realized I hadn't filled out the whole 'school' part yet. Bored and going rounds with insomnia (which is when my brain makes irrational and bizarre decisions), I filled it in and typed in a querie to find fellow alumni. Since no one I know today would know my erratic educational history, allow me to give the lowdown.
I went to a normal Highschool for my freshman and sophmore year. And I am talking NORMAL, the district I was somehow crammed into was proliferated with a lot of hoity toity yuppy types, doctors and lawyers and their rich bratty kids. And mormons. Lots and lots of mormons. I am amazed any coffee shop stayed open as long as it did there. Everyone shopped at the Gap and Banana Republic, so needless to say I stuck out like a sore fucking thumb. The funny thing was I was constantly lumped in with the druggy types or labeled a whore for having male friends, but I was probably one of the straightest pegs there. I was even in choir for chrissake! Even though that was the bastion club of all mormons and tight-laced types, I managed to weasle my way into a bizarre friendship circle in there.
But the rest of the time outside of the music room I was miserable. I hated a lot of the teachers, and was hated by a good portion of the student body. What should I have expected though, I had a pierced nose and wore combat boots in a sea of khaki and pastel plaids. I constantly felt like the curriculum moved at a snails pace, so when I discovered an alternative high school I jumped on it. I ended up switching to Independence for what would have been my Junior year, although I devoured the textbooks so quickly I completed my senior curriculum before the session ended, and was promptly handed my walking papers with flying colours. When I first enrolled the counselor there had already had me in a previous summer school class (taken following my freshman summer so I could take even more choir, I was friggin obsessed and now years later I am once again tone deaf). After I had enrolled she had me take some additional tests and before I even began the junior/senior warpspeed year, I was enrolled in a nearby university. The program she finagled me into was called ACT, Accelerated College T-something. The gaggle of us in the district that made us through were supposed to just dip our toes into the whole college experience by taking some jerkoff courses like archery or beginning art. Being the freakish overacheiver I was, I ended up enrolling in a full load of standard college courses, which sped up the whole Sharona gets a degree before she even turns 18 thing. Damn, I was nuts. No wonder I had grey hair at the age of twenty.
Anyhoot, going back a few paces, like I said, I did attend a normal highschool, with over crowded classes and everything, for two years. I formed the typical high school bonds, yet somehow drifted away from every single signature in that last year book. I didn't leave Sacramento until the tail end of '97, so I really don't have much of an excuse for it. But, fastforwarding to the modern day, I pulled up a list of people who would have been in my class, and the years above me (I can count on one hand the people in my year I actually associated with, the rest were all a year or two above). As I scrolled through about 11 pages of people, I recognized NO ONE. Not one soul, and most of them were in my own original year. On the last page I found a gal from choir, but only recognized her because it said "choir' and we weren't a big ensemble. Was I completely blind during those years? I remember the rich kids torturing me half the time, but was it so bad I tuned out their very names and faces? Were the people I called friends at one time so inconsequential that I cannot see them staring me at me on the screen? Or am I actually getting older, and the times have carried me too far to remember these people who shared what should have been my 'formative' years? It's a rather cold thought, really.

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