Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Life's Little Constants

There are few things in this day and age one can consider a constant in their day to day life. Sometimes this very fact can seem very depressing. But I have a few, and I would like to share. And we all know how much mama likes to make her lists....

  • My son will say or do something that will completely crack me up or melt my heart daily (if not hourly).
  • I will get at least one gawking stare at the grocery store.
  • I will be mortified at today's youth by going to the mall.
  • I never have enough money for the things I want, but always find a way to get the things I need.
  • There isn't enough milk in the world to satiate a boy who refuses to drink anything but.
  • Groceries will always come up to more friggin money than I thought they would, and therefor I will always curse at my Safeway receipts at least one a week.
  • I will always have my tattoos. And there will always be some dumbass to comment on them.
  • There will be 5 people out of 10 that feel my former 'career' is a horrible thing worth their scorn, but another 5 willing to totally back me up and give me props for my brutal honesty and unabashed position of staunchly defending my ability to chose whatever the fuck I want to do to keep a roof over my head.
  • Despite my education, people will assume by my physical appearance or speech pattern (given that I curse without shame) that I therefor must be a HS dropout welfare baby on crack.
  • WIth all the people who will consider themselves 'against me' I will always simply regard them as an endless supply of fodder for my rants on this blog.
  • Most politicians would rather rally themselves behind completely worthless causes 'of the moment' to seem like they are important and actually doing something, nevermind the fact that the state of education in this nation is abyssmal, we have a needless and costly war going on overseas, gas prices are ungodly, our economy is still floundering, (especially in the light of so many companies exporting jobs), and hate and violence still rages within our own borders. Furthermore, there will always be some dipshit backwoods politician that is dead set on making his hatemongering propaganda into political 'reform' in an attempt to set our nation back several hundred years, and there will always be enough narrowminded midwest out of touch bible thumping pricks who will defend him.
  • Someone, somewhere is being persecuted. But someone elsewhere is making it a personal mission to end that via peaceful means.
  • The majority of you reading this on a constant basis do so because you agree with me. The minority who don't will always get themselves up in a tizzy about something I write, regardless of how many warnings I slap up on the main page of motherhoodlum.com to stop reading the damn thing.
  • My husband will 9 times out of 10 say something completely offensive to me, and 10 times out of 10 I will always forgive him.
  • No matter where I move, I will always have one extremely weird ass neighbor.
  • My Kung Fu Fighting Hampster will always be hysterical to me.
  • I will always look good in black.
  • I will never look good in pink.
  • I will always question my ability to look good period, but will know that this is simply stemming from an irrational problem with my self-esteem dating back for decades now, and regardless of how I feel, there will still be someone out there at any given time willing to boink me.
  • Since I have become a mother, I know I will always consider one life in this world more important than my own.
  • Since I have become a mother, I know there will always be a mess in my house, no matter how many times I clean it. And that no one in said house will appreciate either portion of this statement.
  • Despite all the things I have listed above, very few things in life are constant, therefor change is the only real constant. Which, for anyone paying attention, is the very meaning behind the tattoos I bare.


Anonymous said...

Why are you mortified with the youths at the mall?

Mother Hoodlum said...

Because they all dress the same and I don't understand how having greasy hair shoved into your eyes and some knock off vintage T is considered 'stylish'.