Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb

Woot! Finally redyed my damn hair. Those who know me are aware this is only phase one, though. I put on the base coat of red, will add the multicoloured streaks later. Must attempt to get part time job first before I go too technicolour-happy...

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Anonymous said...

Looks great!!! I'd love to see it after you add the different highlights too!! Yoly did her hair a deeper red some time ago and she added different highlights too.

Anonymous said...

sweet!!!!! Love the hair, darling, love it! lol yep, I've now got 3 different shades of red, orange, a lil brown, & black in my hair! Hair color is fun! Advice: use products w/ sunscreen in them (most color-safe products have it, just double check). red fades fastest, especially by sunlight, so use the right stuff & it'll look good longer!

Mother Hoodlum said...

I have unfortunately learned the hard way about hair dye. I used to use Feria (bad Loreal, BAD) and it apparently doesn't get along well with other dyes. When I started addingh different colours on top of it, my hair actually melted in some places, hence the super chop I had to do a couple of years back. My hair has technically been 'resting' this whole time. I am probably going to add some purple streaks, maybe a few blonde ones, but want to wait and see if I can get a jobby job first. If the new bosses are cool, then the streaking shall commence!

Mother Hoodlum said...

If I see one more GODDAMN spam comment on my blog...

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you cant refrain from using profanity in your you need a thesarus?

Mother Hoodlum said...

Interesting that you felt the need to comment on something as inane as that, yet were unable to use standard punctuation.

Anonymous said...

My comment wasn't inane. Not in the least. It is interesting to observe how you still haven't answered the inquiry about profanity.

Mother Hoodlum said...

Well, I'm glad to see you've corrected your punctuation. I actually have answered your 'question' in regards to my prolific use of curse words. Another tightass felt the need to comment on it ages ago, and you can feel free to peruse my opinions on the matter in my post entitled Commenting on a comment, in which I carefully worded a swear free response to those who don't care for my writing style.
For the record, in case you are too lazy, this is a BLOG, which is meant to be written in a free form, off the cuff manner. I curse in real life, although not around my son. This is, contrary to popular belief, not a mark of uneducation or a limited vocabulary. This is simply the mark of someone who speaks freely and is unfettered by social dictation.
What I find interesting is your choice to hide behind anonymity in your comments.