Sunday, January 09, 2005

Commenting ona comment

Since this comment was so beautifully worded, I must humbly reply as best I can. First, so my readers don't have to go digging for it, I'll post what I am replying to.

You have an interesting website. The pictures of your little boy are adorable but it concerns me that you ( his mother) have such a "potty mouth". I contribute it to you being young and uneducated. Educated people with "sense" about themselves refrain from using profanity to get their point across. You certainly do have a "chip" on yuor shoulder. I made reference to "sense" because you obviously lack much due to all the tattoos that you have chosen to decorate your body with. It is sad to say that your son will be penalized for it. "trash breads trash"~I hope that you do some soul searching for the sake of your little boy. Not many parents want to have their child around people with tattoos out the ying yang~ so that will limit your little boy. Get the chip off your shoulder ( you said you had one on your website) and and clean up your act.

Now the irony is, I have an idea who posted this. There was a little war on the food boards a while ago, and I was using my Mother Hoodlum name, which is very easily trackable to my blog. But, since she obviously wishes to embroil me further...bring it on, sister.
It's idiots like you who created such a chip on my shoulder. To have the audacity to bring up my parenting abilities, or even my child at ALL, is ridiculous, and a pathetic attempt to raise yourself on a petty moral high horse which is not impressing anyone. So step off it, and come down to the real world. There are LEGIONS of parents like me, decorated in body and spirit, and we are all a heck of a lot more open minded than biblethumping morons like you who care nothing for freedom and everything for your precious 'values'. My son will grow up seeing people for who they are, on the inside, which unfortunately means he'll probably run screaming from folks like yourself. My tattoos are deeply symbolic, and are frankly, none of your business. As for my lack of sense, well, dear, at least I don't try to continue infantile discussions with people I know nothing about and lambast them on the most inane principles and attack their parenting abilities.
Now, since I did all that without usings "Satans Vulgarity", I'd like to finish my rebutal with a kindly placed GO FUCK YOURSELF.


darth sardonic said...

mother hoodlum, and any other interested parties, come check out what i have to say about this comment at my own site, as what i have to say is too much to fit in a simple comment here.

and to the lady who left the comment, please, check out what i have to say. there may still be hope for you yet. just click on the link to the right here marked "darth sardonic".

see ya there!

darth sardonic

fleshbasket said...

wow. what a crock of shit. small children have the mindset thier parents nurture in them. if you give them a complex because you're a fucking self righteous idiot, then they'll have problems. if you let them accept everyone for who they are- foul mouth, tattoos, or retarded biblical dungeons and dragons bullshit artist, they and thier life and friends and family will live a healthy, happy existence as a PART of the world, not against it. dipshit. oh, and it must be the E.E. Cummings poem i have tattooed on my arm that makes me swear, and not the brainless twat pushing bullshit to hear themselves think. they are just beliefs, it doesn't mean they are RIGHT! accept the world and it will accept you...
-fleshbasket(Mother Hoodlum's little boy's uncle Dom)

Mother Hoodlum said...

And Dom, might I add, being the tattooed, foul mouthed beastie that he is, is going to make an absolutely magnificent father some day.
As for Darth, well, he already is one!

Unknown said...

hey girlie~ i just thought i check up on ya since i haven't heard from ya much since you moved and wham-o you got some crap going on.

for the person who posted that ugliness. i'm chiming as one of those legions of "trashy" parents you spoke so kindly of. and believe it or not we are EVERYWHERE, accountants, lawyers, teacher, Department of Defense just to name a few. i am a parent of FOUR "trashy" kids who are top of their classes and my eldest son is 2 grade levels ahead of his grade which i can directly contribute to my tattoos & profanity. it simply makes me ill that they are handfuls of close minded people like you out there. shame on you! this world is a melting pot accept it.


hey i hope the house is coming along good!

Unknown said...

forgive my typos please! i'm hold my toddler who has a cold it's hard to type. ^_^

Mother Hoodlum said...

"Tis the season, Anthony and I are both sneezin' our brains out. Probably because the Devil hath smite us.

SarahJane said...

I am appalled. I don't know who this brave "anonymous" writer is but I feel the need to respond. I am an educated, undecorated (not a single tattoo or non-ear piercing) mother of two beautiful children who are the delight of my life. I am deeply spiritual. That said... it took me less than a paragraph to discover one more ignorant bitch in this world who is self-righteously raising children to be either hatemongers or disfunctional. While we are on the subject of disfunctional, hatemongering self-righteous bitches let me just point out that you have got to be pretty stupid to accuse someone of being uneducated and then not even check the spelling on your god-damn post.
another piece of trash

chell-belle said...

wow. looks like "anonymous" is caught in a time warp. I love the use of the phrase "having sense about yourself". Sounds like something my granny's said to me. I'm also tickled that "anonymous" thinks your tats will have an impact on your child's social development. If they keep people like that away, then let's hope it's true!

your response was beautifully written for such a "young and uneducated" person.

Anonymous said...

In a society of pedestrian sheep, it unfortunetly falls to the educated and enlightened to embrace radicalism and force progress down the throats of conservative traditionalists- otherwise civilization as we know it will stagnat, wither, and die. It has happened before, and it is sure to happen again, so next time you scoff at a woman with pink hair, or whisper about how trashy all those tattoos are, maybe you should stop and think about all the radicals that have saved you in so many ways.
Giving you the opportunity to have a career, to vote, to own property, to go unmolested down the street, to dance, to have religion. Think of the tattoos, the piercings, the hair, as a sort of uniform of radicalism. Would you scoff at a sodlier in his fatigues? He fights to defend the rights that we have given you.
Think of all that before you judge the radicals around you.

In other words, fuck off you dumb cunt.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Caught in the dark ages, are we? I guess my heavily tattooed self had no part whatsoever in my highly gifted and talented child (as referring to the very elite class of 10 students from all of Denver he is in). I notice, that, for all the education this anonymous poster claims to have, that they presumably don't use a spell check?


darth sardonic said...

holy shit, mother hoodlum, i wonder if the anonymous lady has been back to see what a row her comment has caused? cause fuck me gently if she hasn't started some kind of blogger online war.

and it looks like us freakparents are winning. god, i fucking love this country!! keep up the good work.

darth sardonic

Anonymous said...

Everyone else has said what I wanted to this is only a post of support.

screw her.


Anonymous said...

OMG, how incredibly ridiculous. "Trash BREADS trash". I had to laugh. She is obviously very sheltered to have these thoughts. She apparently has nothing better to do and feels the need to trash other people to make herself feel better. I'm sure she went and bragged to all her friends about ow she put some young, tattoed trash in their place. At least you can be comfortable knowing you are a better person than she will ever be.

Hell, Look at Greg Graffin of Bad Religion. He's a freaking genious (he has a doctorate in evolutionary biology and teaches at UCLA). He seems to be everything she ridicules if you look at him, but he is obviously not what he seems. Just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by it's cover.

Good Grief!

Not So Punk Now from mamatrolis!

Anonymous said...

That lady's (and I use the term loosely) comment about parents not wanting their children to be around people with tattoos, just BECAUSE they have tattoos is prejudice at it's best.
I wouldn't want MY kid around any one with their social skills and moral priorities so far out of whack.
Such ignorance. It's disgusing.
~Sarah (mamatropolis)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I could quote Whitney here, because I have a similar thing happening with my wee girlie.

But, as far as I am concerned, bring on's a great big world out there with all sorts of different people in there, and I want my daughter to appreciate that, and what better way to achieve that then to associate with as many different sorts of people as possible.

Trash breads that anything like breading chicken?

~Kate, aka maika