Wednesday, January 19, 2005

No more net-obsession!

Well, as you all can see by the decidedly meager amount of posts as of late in my blog, despite having a computer available (thanks, Dad!), you might be all wondering why I haven't updated my blog much. Welll.....I decided I spend way too much time on the internet. I was in four yahoo groups, three message boards, and sat on my yahoo IM all damn day, not to mention an insane amount of posts in this thing. Now granted, my net-life has given me a few new friends, and for those folks I am grateful. In fact, I even gained one gal, who in my teenage years I would've referred to as my "Best friend", and I've never actually sat face to face with her. But, the yahoo groups became irritating, the IM was a timesucker, and the message boards caused far too much ire in my day. SO...I cut myself down to only using the freecycle yahoo group, I haven't loaded yahoo IM on dad's machine, and I am only on one message board. I kept myself on the one because A) I'm a moderator there, and B) It's a food oriented message board, not exactly a place I'll have to deal with contraversy unless we're comparing margarine to real butter. I still check out mamatropolis, but not as much as I used to.
Besides, in the new house, the computer is in the non-kiddo room, so I physically can't sit on the comp all day. And since I've weened myself, I've discovered how friggin productive I can be. There was the pre-christmas baking frenzy that I flew into, and actually killed two entire bags of flour...the big ones. I made a really nifty coat rack for the entry way, a pretty jewelry box for my bedroom, and am working on a very large piece out of a junked chair (think refurbished, but Sharona style). And most importantly of all, the thing I hadn't done but once since Rick and I have been together...I painted. yup. The brushes are back, right along with the oil pastel smudged jeans. When I finished the first one the other day I felt exhilerated. And these aren't the crap pieces I had thrown together previously in my feeble attempts to rekindle my creativity. These are the big, bold, out of my head and onto the paper pieces that I used to paint back when I had something to prove with it. Only now I don't have anything to prove, so they are perhaps even more inspired. I'm going to actually tack on a side blog to this one so I can track my artistic progress this year. Read it if you are into that sort of thing, as I am going to put pics of the house-holdy type stuff as well as my paintings. Perhaps it may inspire my other friends to once again tap into their creative brains.
ENjoy the link on my sidebar entitled "Creative Blog", and I will still keep this one apprised of my latest rantings, irks, irritations, and all other Hoodlum mischeif.

1 comment:

darth sardonic said...

mother hoodlum,

cool glad to hear it. have fun. i'll call ya soon, as i wanna ask if you would mind reading some of the stuff i've written. i need someone who didn't go through what i'm writing about with me to look it over and see if it needs work.

anyways, talk to ya soon.

darth sardonic