Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sorry for the inconvenience

As hinted by previous posts, particularly commenting on a comment, I have a few enemies out in cyberspace who think it's funny to take their petty differences with me to a personal level. Well, whoever this is has finally gotten enough under my skin to take a few careful measures to get them to shut the fuck up. We can agree to disagree, there's no reason to go hounding me across the internet just to hammer your idiocy through.
With that, I am no longer allowing anonymous comments, which would be unregistered users. I know many of my friends who chose to leave me NICE messages frequently aren't registered here, so to them I apologize for the inconvenience. Getting registered at blogspot is pretty easy though, and I swear they are a cool company that won't immediately start filling your inbox with spam.
To the person who feels the need to continue this ridiculous campaign of harrassment: STOP. If this is the same person who is using the US post to mail me and my husband odd shit to my home address, which I at this point will assume it is, then stop IMMEDIATELY. What you are doing is enough to warrant me getting the police involved. Get some fucking medication, and seriously take a look in the mirror to realize you are becoming a stalker. I am not amused, my husband is not amused, and once I contact the police, they will really not be amused either.

1 comment:

darth sardonic said...

holy fucking shit!!

some people seriously need help. good god. call or email me and tell me all about it and i promise to be duly pissed off and call said anonymous person lots of foul names.

take care,

darth sardonic