Sunday, March 13, 2005

Another dipshit move by bro

I am at the point of being embarrassed to claim relation to my little brother. I love that kid to death, brag on him like crazy, and would do anything for him. But I am ashamed now of his existence. This kid has pulled so many braindead moves its ridiculous, and obviously as I am writing about it, has pulled another monumental mistake. And this one is for the records.
How many times have hubby and I lectured on the idiocy of pot smoking? Ooooooooooooh plenty. Rick as a former smoker, and I as someone with enough braincells to realize that it's a dumb thing to do. Yes, it should be as legal as liquor, granted, but it's still a dumb substance to put in your body. Anything that makes you act that stupid is stupid. Adam loves to act to our faces like he's smart enough to follow in that line, but apparently he's not nearly as bright as his facade.
Apparently mom stumbled upon another one of his patheticly unhidden trails of evidence. Honestly, his ignorance in leaving this so obvious would be funny if so damn unnervingly DUMB. While mom was downloading pics of Anthony I had sent her, she noticed a folder in teh 'My Pictures' section that she hadn't put there (note: there is only one family computer). Anyhow, this folder simply called "Internet" caught her eye, so she opened it. Inside were a ton of pics of Captain Monumentally Dumb and his buddies smoking weed in their house. Mom even recognized her sewing scissors in a close up pic of them snipping up a bud. I'm sure most of my readers are at this point bashing their skulls against the monitor in how ungodly dumb it is to put pictures of yourself doing a big NO-NO on mom and dad's computer. But apparently my brother is just dumb enough to think that was a fun concept. Mom says it's a cry for help, which in a half-assed sense it is, although to me he needs a swift kick in the ass as help. When confronted about his deeds, he acted like an arrogant fuck and went on a tirade about how he did 'research' and has discovered that pot is harmless. OOOOOOoooooooooooookay. And he has a couple bongs in the bedroom, and sounds more than likely his friend is dealing out of the house next door, although Adam is covering for him.
He tried to once again skew the issue by throwing at Mom and step that he's depressed and wants to kill himself. I know my brother better than that, he's throwing out a pity card to cloud the issue of his chronic fucking up.
So, mom is finally going to slap his little ass shape! She said she was going to check out a rehab program, and stick him in tomorrow. At first, she wanted to just do an outpatient, because honestly, he's not 'addicted' to weed. But I said, no, fuck it, throw his ass into inpatient for the full 28 days, and have them put him on suicide watch since he's pulling that shit. Let's see how he handles the reality of being in the same group of people as Twitchy the Crackhead and Methadone Mary. He wants to cloud people's rationale with the threat of suicide, fine, let's see how he feels to see people in group sessions who really are worthless enough to chose death over a young life. He wants to be all grown up, let's see how he feels about the reality of what a fucked up grown up looks like.
I swear I am close to disowning this kid.

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