Saturday, October 16, 2004


Ugh, nothing better than vomiting up your insides while simultaneously sneezing up large globs of goo. Why is it that when a mommy gets sick from their kid, they get fifteen times more ill than the little one? Anthony caught a bug while at my mom's house (thanks, grandma!), and I consequently caught whatever he had. While he has a bad case of the sniffles, I am the goddamn walking dead.
ugh, I'll be in bed leaking my guts out until further notice.

1 comment:

darth sardonic said...

mama hoodlum-
been there done that. but i always get it only bad enough to make me miserable, and never enough to get my wife to come home from work and take care of me.

the one time i got it bad, she did come home, because she had a migraine, which meant i had to take care of her AND the kids. wheeeee, fun.
take care, darth