Friday, August 04, 2006

What now?!?!?!

yeah, that's pretty much how I am answering my phone right now. After the last post, you'd think I'd be reporting good news by now, right? HA!
Wednesday (day four of Sharona working so much she sways on her feet), my store got audited. What this means in radioshackland is that a woman who's nice enough to be your grandma comes over to your store and rips it a new one by going over every little goddamn thing according to a checklist and fine tooth comb. If you don't have everything EXACTLY the way the grand poobahs of the company dictated on said magic checklist, you get FUCKED. Now of course, running as understaffed and overworked as I was, I failed this thing. Like, FLAMINGLY failed it. little shit in every little section was off, things I hadn't had time or energy to fix, or was so out of it I missed as I walked by (price tags falling off, a peg empty of product.).
But gets so much worse. yesterday I worked my long awaited and overdeserved midshift. I met scott back at home, and we went to retrieve monkey from daycare. I swear I couldn't have gotten there fast enough, I was physically aching just to see that little grin. So we get there, and I am now slapped with the sitter giving us two weeks notice. How fucked am I? Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on that.
Oh, upon returning home, I get a call from the store saying the other ridiculously expensive phone just got stolen off the display. Little twit who was at my store couldn't even tell me when. I call teh DM, and I get an earful. I wasn't even there, but it's still my ass on the line, not the little I-work-three-days-a-week-and-could-care-less-about-your-store's-product fucker I left in charge.
Then the alarm company calls me, my old store (remember, I still live a few blocks from there) is unarmed, and since I am oh-so-important and "hold interest in company assets", I get to fucking walk down there at midnight to find out exactly what's up.
I swear to god I am hiding under a table the rest of the day and flushing my phone down the toilet.

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