Friday, August 25, 2006


My younger brother, whom I've blogged about a few times in teh past, has been missing for the last two weeks. He walked out of the home during an arguement with my parents about him once again showing up screwed all to high heaven on god only knows what substances, and has nott been seen or heard from since. He had no money nad no identification on him, and we assumed he would return in a day or two after cooling off.
He hasn't returned, and my parents are beside themselves with worry, as am I.
After calling a multitude of his friends, it seemed the communication he had had with any one was that his parents had kicked him out, and he was headed to Salem (where they were originally living before heading to the Portland area). There was rumour he was hitting a detox center, but the only one in Salem refused to actually disclose to my parents if he was there or even had been there.
I know posting about this is a shot in the dark, but hey, I can't just sit twiddling my thumbs. Please, if ANYONE reads this and has information, please contact me.

Full Name: Adam Lee Jaynes
Aliases :Adamo, Adam Oblivion, Adam Obvious (assumedly DJ names)
He is 17, birthdate is in February.
He is 5'8", weighs about 160, dark brown hair, and blue-green eyes. He has very broad shoulders.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Vegas Shmegas

Wrote this before I left, will post since it's still pretty damn applicable...

I'm probably the rare person who started whining upon being handed a ticket to Las Vegas. I've whined even more copiously in the weeks coming up to the trip, as life has made it all teh more undesireable to go to this damn conference. Yup, mama's attending a conference in vegas. How friggin cliche is this?
Reasons why I realllllly don't wanna go:

  • Takes me away from my son for a several day stretch. Although the conference is only three days, it is three days falling right after three more days my sitter was unavailable, so my mom came and picked anthony up and headed back to her place on saturday. This means an entire WEEK without my little squirming bundle of goodness.
  • Takes me away from boyfriend. Yea, you can all roll your eyes, but Scott and I freak if we have to spend more than two days apart. At least I can rest assured knowing the welcome back sex will be mindblowing awesome, but it still sucks not being able to snuggle up next to him for this stretch.
  • My store is laughably understaffed, and I don't have anyone I can reliably leave in charge. I've got a trainee who just became a keyholder, and my part timer who could care less if the whole place went up in flames. Greaaaaaaat.
  • This is of course amplified by the fact that an LCD tech who was SUPPOSED to show up yesterday instead is now showing up there in my absence. My entire home theater wall has been torn apart since Sunday waiting for this asswipe. It will now remain looking like an unorganized pile of shit in the middle of the floor until said asswipe magically appears to rewire the wall. Then tweedle dum and tweedle dee have to put the entire wall back up. Neatly. Priced. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  • I will apparently get audited while I am gone. No one in my store knows how to do have of the daily paperwork, which will now pile up for three days. Ths all spells out FAIL, which means I get a reprimand from El Bosso, who I am pretty sure hates me, hence he gave me the promotion just to watch me tail spin into doom and possible mental collapse.
  • I fucking hate flying. Like, with a deepseated, white knuckle, hand me the vodka and valium hate. This will be compounded by having to share a metal tube of death with that grating manager in my district whose little girl giggle and backstabbing vindictiveness makes me want to choke her with a vomit bag.
  • I have to share a room with another female manager I've only met once, and may or may not be part of the little clique of female managers who've decided I am too "ungirly" enough to be part of their Martini Monday gang, and have thus conspired to spread enough stupid rumours and vicious attacks to get me fired, or at the very least, adminished.
  • Because our meetings go from 6AM until 9pm, I will have absolutely no time to enjoy Vegas, except whatever I can see in the hotel I am staying in.

I swear, I will update this when I get back and give you guys all the gory details. If there's anything more exciting than "ooooh, I got to play with a new home networking device and it was SHWEEEET".

Friday, August 04, 2006

What now?!?!?!

yeah, that's pretty much how I am answering my phone right now. After the last post, you'd think I'd be reporting good news by now, right? HA!
Wednesday (day four of Sharona working so much she sways on her feet), my store got audited. What this means in radioshackland is that a woman who's nice enough to be your grandma comes over to your store and rips it a new one by going over every little goddamn thing according to a checklist and fine tooth comb. If you don't have everything EXACTLY the way the grand poobahs of the company dictated on said magic checklist, you get FUCKED. Now of course, running as understaffed and overworked as I was, I failed this thing. Like, FLAMINGLY failed it. little shit in every little section was off, things I hadn't had time or energy to fix, or was so out of it I missed as I walked by (price tags falling off, a peg empty of product.).
But gets so much worse. yesterday I worked my long awaited and overdeserved midshift. I met scott back at home, and we went to retrieve monkey from daycare. I swear I couldn't have gotten there fast enough, I was physically aching just to see that little grin. So we get there, and I am now slapped with the sitter giving us two weeks notice. How fucked am I? Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on that.
Oh, upon returning home, I get a call from the store saying the other ridiculously expensive phone just got stolen off the display. Little twit who was at my store couldn't even tell me when. I call teh DM, and I get an earful. I wasn't even there, but it's still my ass on the line, not the little I-work-three-days-a-week-and-could-care-less-about-your-store's-product fucker I left in charge.
Then the alarm company calls me, my old store (remember, I still live a few blocks from there) is unarmed, and since I am oh-so-important and "hold interest in company assets", I get to fucking walk down there at midnight to find out exactly what's up.
I swear to god I am hiding under a table the rest of the day and flushing my phone down the toilet.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

exhausted and exhasperated

I haven't been writing much because I hardly have time to even think much these days. My first fiscal month as a manager went well, running gains across the board, but this one has started on a path of disaster unprecendently mindblowing in it's state of fucked.
Sunday began said horrors. I woke up early, passed Anthony off to the arms of my ex (who brought his girlfriend along for the ride, lovely!). I had inventory that night, so I packed a set of casual clothes and scampered off to work. late in teh afternoon, as I am scrambling through prep, I get a call from the former manager. Apparently, my assistant manager called HER cell phone to express that she was being whisked to FLORIDA on a family emergency. It took a few minutes to sink in how incredibly screwed I was. You see, my other associate has no availability monday through wednesday. Those days are split between AM and I opening and closing. Without her there, I was now staring down the barrell of three consecutive days working open to close, no break, little help ( I have a trainee there, but he can't really do anything other than sit in back and get certified), and late shifts thursday and friday because my other associate refuses to work by himself for more than a three hour stretch. yea, he's a wuss.
What are the other ramifications for this? Well, other than my legs feeling like jello by the end of day two, I don't get to see my son this entire time. Seriously, more than one day without hearing that giggle and seeing that toothy grin make me physically ill. Oh, and there's my boyfriend's birthday, on Tuesday, on which I was going to make him dinner and serve Tiramisu a la mama.
My peers really rallied around me, though. They've called in favours from staff, and I have someone covering Friday, and working a mid on Thursday so I can duck out at a decent time and spend some quality mommy and monkey hours. The boyfriend? He redefined the terms understanding and supportive, and has been my cheerleader, voice to cry to, touchstone during all this. He says he knew what he was getting into when I got the promotion, and knowing my obsessive work ethic. I've arranged a huge dinner for him on friday evening, with friends and gaming to follow.
I was too tired to drink the smirnoff I grabbed on the way home last night, but I am nursing a bottle tonight before I hit the sack in sweet ecstacy of sleep.