I haven't been writing much because I hardly have time to even think much these days. My first fiscal month as a manager went well, running gains across the board, but this one has started on a path of disaster unprecendently mindblowing in it's state of fucked.
Sunday began said horrors. I woke up early, passed Anthony off to the arms of my ex (who brought his girlfriend along for the ride, lovely!). I had inventory that night, so I packed a set of casual clothes and scampered off to work. late in teh afternoon, as I am scrambling through prep, I get a call from the former manager. Apparently, my assistant manager called HER cell phone to express that she was being whisked to FLORIDA on a family emergency. It took a few minutes to sink in how incredibly screwed I was. You see, my other associate has no availability monday through wednesday. Those days are split between AM and I opening and closing. Without her there, I was now staring down the barrell of three consecutive days working open to close, no break, little help ( I have a trainee there, but he can't really do anything other than sit in back and get certified), and late shifts thursday and friday because my other associate refuses to work by himself for more than a three hour stretch. yea, he's a wuss.
What are the other ramifications for this? Well, other than my legs feeling like jello by the end of day two, I don't get to see my son this entire time. Seriously, more than one day without hearing that giggle and seeing that toothy grin make me physically ill. Oh, and there's my boyfriend's birthday, on Tuesday, on which I was going to make him dinner and serve Tiramisu a la mama.
My peers really rallied around me, though. They've called in favours from staff, and I have someone covering Friday, and working a mid on Thursday so I can duck out at a decent time and spend some quality mommy and monkey hours. The boyfriend? He redefined the terms understanding and supportive, and has been my cheerleader, voice to cry to, touchstone during all this. He says he knew what he was getting into when I got the promotion, and knowing my obsessive work ethic. I've arranged a huge dinner for him on friday evening, with friends and gaming to follow.
I was too tired to drink the smirnoff I grabbed on the way home last night, but I am nursing a bottle tonight before I hit the sack in sweet ecstacy of sleep.