Thursday, February 02, 2006

Update of Joy

Well, I guess sometimes a person can have their cake and eat it, too. Two days ago there were a lot of tears being shed at my work. Our lovely, bouncy 18 yo gal had to resign, as her studies are being neglected. Our boss's mantra has always been "School is more important than work", and unfortunately, that choice ended up having to happen. We all wish her the best of luck, and no way in HELL will we let her lose touch. She is too much of a wonderful presence to just watch fade off.
On my end, the tears were on a quite different tone. I had found out that the impending promotion was happening as of this friday, and sure enough, I was getting transferred. Although I knew the manager at the store I was being shuffled to, I really didn't want to leave my store. My store didn't want to lose me, either. With my being gone, plus our girl, the schedule was looking like it was about to implode. Short staffed was an understatement.
Well, long story short, a few strings were pulled, and now I am staying! I will be the official Assistant Manager at my lovely locale, training under the best manager in existence. To me, I was so desperately wanting to stay was in large part because of 'boss boy'. He's been a great person to work for, and I really feel he's the one who can teach me the most on the road to eventually getting my own store. And we work together extremely well.
So, all is actually quite good in the life of this mama today. I'm going wedding gift shopping for bossboy today (he's getting hitched on Saturday), and I get to go hit the clubs on Friday with a new mama friend. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

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