- Quite Smoking - once and for all, this should be done. It will save me money, keep my home clean, and myself as well as the people around me (mainly Anthony) much healthier.
- Learn to drive, get license - Now that I am working, and about to put Anthony in daycare, it has now become a necessary evil.
- Work my ass off and get some good money! - Now that I have a job (hey, that WAS last year's resolution, yay for me!), I am going to really give it my all. Debt free, people!
- Potty train Anthony - wait, can I give my son his own resolutions?
- Start giving a damn about my appearance - far too long I've been schlepping around in sweats and crap. I'm a decent looking gal, it's about time I start giving a crap. I will get older, my body will start to show it, better enjoy what I've got while I got it, right?!
- Start giving a shit about myself - this is perhaps the most important resolution I can ever make. For far too long, I've been living for others. Granted, I give this willingly for my son. But I've gotten so immersed in selflessness, I forgot a lot of what made me who I am and what made me happy to begin with. I know the ol' 'finding myself' line is so pase, but it's something that I really need to do. I need to promise myself good things, spoil myself every once in a while. Even if that just means spending $8 a month at Bath & Body Works on froofy soap, that's a start.
- Finish the dental nightmare - all that's left is the bottom set. Get it done with, move on, and revel in having a perfect mouth once it's all over with.
- Start writing again. - I have three half finished books. Let's do something about this.
Alright! That's the list for 2006!!
sounds like a plan. i like em. sorry i've been sporadic at best, been uberbusy here.
hoping things will settle down after the holidays are over.
talk to you soon,
darth sardonic
I think those are really excellent resolutions. But I really really hope, that you quit smoking. I think it's the most important thing on your list. Me and D quit a few months ago. For good. We're over it. And we feel a hellava lot better. Especially me, now that I'm pushing 30 the doctors all tell me how the health risks are SO much worse if yer a woman over 30 who smokes, blah blah. Anyway, BEST of luck to you in that endeavor.
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