Monday, July 11, 2005

A whore for the internet

I am a ridiculous whore for all things 'netty, and thus stole hubby's myspace invite and created my profile. I'm there, although I haven't done much exploring with the actual site. But if you are there too, then we are there...together! take the time to add me to a friends list, I feel so lonely.
Myspace profile
It looks like fun, although seems to be more oriented to those who are single and desperately looking for a hookup. Nothing wrong with that, just obviously not in my interest. Nevertheless, it's an amusing little corner of the net, and something to do. I haven't added much of anything to the profile save the initial crapola to fill out. And since I am currently quite pleased with my blog being here, I won't be starting one there, save to link back to this one (and the art blog, which seems to be dismally ignored in the way of readers as of late, feh).
Well, back to mommy duties, later folks!

1 comment:

fleshbasket said...

uh, hon... i have a myspace profile. and i ain't no lonely sadsack looking for a hookup. all of my retarded friends have one so i got suckered into it. smootches!
look me up,