Sunday, November 21, 2004

Until we meet again...

Well, kiddies, this momma's about to be cut off from her internet world for a bit. The computer should've been packed yesterday, but I procrastinated and we now have to scramble to relabel all the wires and shove this atrocity into a box. The move officially begins tomorrow, and will stretch through probably all week. Thank goodness my family is coming up on Thanksgiving day, while I concentrate on the bird, Rick will have extra hands in wrestling the crib and our bed together.
We actually went up to the house today, and I was examining possible locations for the stinky-poo cat boxWe were originally going to put it in the garage, as there is a cat door leading out to it, but not inot the great wilderness where the two morons could get lost. I scrapped that idea today when I realized the fat lump of cat I own will more than likely not fit his girth through the door. For the images running through my head, please read the hysterical comment posted on my entry "Sumo-kitty". I about pissed my own pants reading it.
Verizon phone services, the bastards we've handed our communication needs to, has assured me they will have my service up and running on December 2nd (and not a day before). Here's hoping they keep to even that time frame, but I doubt it. This is, after all, a phone company we're talking about. So, that means, chil'un, I won't be posting on here for a while. You are certainly welcome to email me and receive my pithy autoresponse, and I'll attempt to find a nearby kinko's to empty my yahoo account whenever possible.
But for now, I must bid you all a fond adieu. Here's hoping to see you all again on Dec. 2nd, when I'll be writing out of my new swanky digs.


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