Friday, November 05, 2004

The Right is so Wrong

Well, politophiles like myself have been steadily watching the numbers fly across CNN tickers and websites, desperately trying to figure out why the Dems are such a friggin minority, despite our staunch belief that we are always right. The whole morality vote thing frankly had me scared. I mean, for 2 fucking centuries we've believed in seperation of church and state, how is it that suddenly the votes are asking to return religious righteousness to office? Marketing, my dear friends, marketing. The GOP asses are unfortunately really REALLY good at it, while apparently us "reasonable' folk suck at it. Church going folk, which are used to doing everything in 'follow the flock' fashion, obediently went to the polls as ordered on high, while us liberal namby pansies sorta 'forgot'. Despite the fact that 62% of Americans (numbers quoted from AP Reuters Polls) are NOT in the same mindset as our religious zealot brethren in the South, only 14% of us turned out! The majority of the non-voting populous was, of course, young people, despite all the ridiculous attempts to 'rock the vote'. Apparently MTV doesn't have much sway these days. So, Generation X, you apparently still feel apathetic to voting? Well, enjoy the fruits of your lack of labor, four more years, and a lot of potentially fucked up future situations due to Senor Dickweed's being able to reshape our Supreme Court in his Puritanical ideology. Abortion? See ya! Gay Marriage? Out the Window. Free Speech? Give him a few more years and a couple of Patriot Act rewrites, and we won't have to worry about that pesky civil liberty anymore either. *sigh*
The GOP and generic Religious Right has unfortunately taken our lack of voting as a sign that we in fact, don't exist. So apparently 'America calls for a return to core Values', and I'm sure the KKK is pretty happy about that, not to mention Jesse Helms is probably doing a jig of joy. So we (or since I friggin voted, should say YOU) who are not following the GOP mentality have chosen to silence yourselves, guess what? You've officially given up your own opinions voice. SO when you realize what happens and say "Hey, that's not fair! I didn't vote for him!", you didn't...but by not speaking up before, you essentially DID.
So what now? With the entire government (Senate, House, President, and soont o be Supreme Court) being controled by the Right, expect big changes. But Democracy is what we live in, and now more than ever we need to excercise our minor freedoms. Write to your Senators and Reps, and I apologize if that now means you have to fucking pay attention instead of watching OC re-runs. I for one, will be watching new bills and measures coming up for grabs, and happily getting carpel tunel syndrome if that's what it takes. Thank God we still have Patty Murray in office up here, that chick rocks.
Will my blog get more politically minded than my past rantings? You betcha. Yes, you'll still get to read about me dessimating soccer moms left and right, that will never cease (until I have destroyed them all, mwahahahaa). But if I notice a bill of importance, you bet your patriotic buttons you'll hear me write about it, and definitely give ya'll a heads up on who to contact.
To all my Demmy friends, go buy "America the Book" by John Stewart. It's friggin hillarious. I'm off to finish packing my boxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have an interesting website. The pictures of your little boy are adorable but it concerns me that you ( his mother) have such a "potty mouth". I contribute it to you being young and uneducated. Educated people with "sense" about themselves refrain from using profanity to get their point across. You certainly do have a "chip" on yuor shoulder. I made reference to "sense" because you obviously lack much due to all the tattoos that you have chosen to decorate your body with. It is sad to say that your son will be penalized for it. "trash breads trash"~I hope that you do some soul searching for the sake of your little boy. Not many parents want to have their child around people with tattoos out the ying yang~ so that will limit your little boy. Get the chip off your shoulder ( you said you had one on your website) and and clean up your act.