Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Country full of Idiots

That's what we are. We're a country of people with their heads in the sand, babbling fucking morons. That's the only way I can fathom that Bush was able to pull off a win. It was a tight race, but not obviously enough. So what happened? Did real people not vote? Obviously not, if we have Captain Insanity as our Nation's leader for another goddamn four years. The news says that now the naiton can come together and heal after the elections, and that Bush will need to reunite our country from the strong divisions that the elections had brought. MY ASS. There won't be healing, and certainly not from him. He doesn't give a flying FUCK about the people who don't like him (48% of the populous). Us dems are going to find ourselves more alienated, and pushed to the point of a civil war being a good idea. We won't reunite and heal, we'll divide even more, and those who (gasp!) didn't vote Bush are now REALLY going to be the unpatriots, so I guess us and the large portion of the Northeastern states are all going to be outlaws. Say goodbye to freedom folks, your fearless leader hasn't quite seen eye to eye with that concept for quite some time.
The people who voted said that our safety was an important issue. Funny, the people who felt this most strongly (the ones who voted for Bush) live in the fucking midwest. Yeah, guys, Al Quaeda has had it's eye on Arkansas for a long time...get ovre your white trash rednecked completely stupid selves. The people who need the security and safety (coastal states like ourselves and oh...NEW YORK) voted for Kerry. Because we fucking know better.
What scares me is that now that he hsa his grasp on Washington for four more years, what he'll now inflict upon us. You can bet your ass there'll be more attacks, Bush is the best thing for terrorist group recruiting since Israel's declaration of nationality. Since he's already said he doesn't want to deal with North Korea, god only knows what they'll do with their nuclear programs, and I am not even going to talk about Iraq.]
Say goodbye to abortions, Bush has had his eye on dismantling Roe Vs. Wade since his first term. Say goodbye to the thought of civil unions and gay marriages. Social Security? Ha, I won't get to retire now, thanks to his ideals on privatizing the program. Health care? You've got to be joking.
I didn't vote for him, I fucking hate him, and yet I as a lower middle class, woman with a child living in a port city who would like to return to work will feel some of the hardest ramifications of his re-election. Thanks America, you are a bunch of goddamn idiots. I fucking hate this country.


darth sardonic said...

hey mother hoodlum
i don't hate this country, just the people within it who have forgotten the principles upon which it was founded.
the big one being freedom. freedom for everyone(including people who don't believe what we believe religiously, and yes, even the homosexuals!) but apparently, i'm one of only a few who actually speak up and try to make a difference.
either way, we're fucked.

fleshbasket said...

i hate this fucking country, and the dipshits running it. but then, i hate everyone in politics. i just can't trust them. nope, not even nader. i also think this country was founded on a bunch of rich, white slave owners wanting to dodge out on thier own taxes, and then tax the living shit out of the brown people whose land they invaded. after fucking them up the pooper with small pox, of course. don't worry though, in the mad max future of this soon to be desert, i'll let you guys come and live in my tunnel/cave thingy. watch out for my kids though, they'll be armed, and hungry...

Anonymous said...

It has become a country full of idiots who don't appreciate the basis upon which this country was founded. FREEDOM! It is not necessary, according to the constitution, to believe in God. The government is supposed to stay out of our personal lives, according to the constitution. We can have guns, or whatever we choose to purchase, as long as it doesn't endager our free society. I don't own a gun, but that's my personal choice. We can choose to worship some idol or believe in some religion, but this is a personal choice. We can choose to worship satan, Allah, Buddha, or some extraterrestial, or even the God of christianity. We can be Nazis or communists, democrats or republicans, or none of the above. The point is that we have FREEDOM! WE CAN CHOOSE TO BURN THE AMERICAN FLAG! It is totally against the basis of our constition for the government to tell us we can't! Why don't the American idiots understand this?. I don't know the exact quote or who said it, but it is something like "I may totally disagree with everything you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it"