Friday, October 28, 2005

Overdue update

wow, I suck lately at keeping up on this thing. I'm sorry, folks, this mama has been working her ass off. Quite literally, actually, I've dropped a few belt notches since I started at Ye Ol' Shack. I've settled in quite nicely, though. The gang I work with is still The Awesomeness (note to self, quit hanging out on the interweb, it shows in vocabulary).
Sooooooooooooooooo....what else is new? Not a whole heck of a lot really. I'm sure I could share random work stories, now that I have them, but there hasn't been anything to terribly exciting to relate to my fine readers that wouldn't bore you to tears, or make little sense. hmmm...we all know how mama likes to make lists, how about I complete this update in list form of total randomness!

I really wish people at Taco Bell spoke better english and weren't obsessed with pushing hotsauce.
I'm only learning enough french to really offend someone, or turn them on like crazy. But then, what else is the language good for?!
I need to buy more jeans. And shoes. Fuck, I just need clothes.
I DID buy a new coat, which I have been referring to ever since as "The Foxy". It's foxy.
I will be redying my hair again. What colour? Stay tuned!
I <3 Otakubooty.
I <3 IRC and avchat.
I <3 not having much of a social life.
I haven't been painting very much as of late, but I did make a necklace entirely out of resistors which I snagged from work. Geek? Why, yes, thank you.
Although I snagged halloween off this year, I am a lazy and exhausted wench, thus my brilliant plan to handmake all three costumes to go as the Nightmare Before Christmas family is down the tubes, and I will be a total slacker mom and buy anthony's costume at TRU. If there are any left. If not, he's going to be a ghost.
He will still look ridiculously cute and I will post far too many pictures of him on this blog. Of course.
Because of my inherent lack of followthrough (HA!) but moreso lack of free time, I haven't done much to the motherhoodlum website, save add a few photo galleries.
OK! so that's that! I know, I am slipping into a completely boring spell here, so sorry folks. I am sure I will be coming up with plenty mama rants very shortly, just give the freaks time to wander into my radar, then I may smite them with my angst.

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