Thursday, February 26, 2009

breathing easier

So, I got to spend the entire day in a lawyer's office, but it wasn't as painful as I expected. Granted, I cried in front of a total stranger and feel like a complete loser...but hey, I'm on the path to recovery (so the guy says). He's got me filing chapter 13, reorg, so I am not going full hog and I can keep my assets. Er, well, I would be keeping my assets if I had any. There's nothing more humbling than having to fill out a completed workup of all your worldly possessions and realizing that you don't own jack shit. I can't help it, I've always been rather fruegal when it came to home expenditures. The furniture in this apartment that's actually mine is all the stuff I had snagged at thrift stores, or garage sales and repainted. The most expensive stuff is my electronics (go figure).
But, I have a nice lawyer (seriously, they exist!), and only lost one day filling out the pile of paperwork. When it was all said and done, I just blew my nose and said "What do I do now?"
"Well, now I take it from here, and you can see me in court in about a month. But for now, go home, bash on one of those video games, and for God's sake...breathe"
He's even arranging to get the money BACK from the sonsofbastards United Collections Services (the evil cackling fuckers who garnished me), and ensure that I can keep my tax returns for the next three years. The only payment we could come up with to the trustee courts that I could actually afford was $100 a month (yea, I make jack shit now, so $100 is a big friggin deal).
But hey, now I don't have to cringe every time I see a blocked call appear.
I'll be able to have an actual bank account.
I can stop being afraid to open my mail.
I can take "worrying about 5,000 in medical debt" offof my list of crap to think about.
I'm still not going to get a credit card, though. I've lived my entire life without one, and still had to declare bankruptcy. *sigh*
I'm going to go back to that whole "breathing" thing he talked about. It feels kinda nice!

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