Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Current Irritants

  1. Daycares I've been calling saying they refuse to take a special needs child because, due to the fact that they adamantly lump all children by age group together, it would be "unfair" to have a child who is not appropriately moving along with his peers.
  2. Finding the toilet seat up in the women's bathroon of my office building. yes, I know it's because the cleaning crew just came through and they are too lazy to lower the damn thing, but for a split second your brain melts in grossness and that's a horrifying moment to greet you in the AM.
  3. Not having a car, and finding myself dispondent at my self-imposed hermitude.
  4. Bus passes are goddamn expensive, but still not as bad as having to pay 4-fucking-dollars a gallon at the pump.
  5. Desperately wanting to take a vacation, a REAL vacation, but not having the money due to the recent paycut, and having a mate who displays zero interest in accompanying me.
  6. Cat boxes stink. Why do such adorable creatures have to piss amonia?!
  7. A very stubborn kiddo refusing to take his nap, and me feeling like crap for forcing him to take one. But hey, those non-napped afternoon megafits are a gruesome reminder of the worth of the few moments of feeling guilty at hearing him whine.
  8. Realizing I've spent the past two years of my life trying to "get a grip on things", and I still feel no where close, often times I feel even further. Like...two years further.
  9. Feeling like certain issues in my life are barely hanging on by a thread, but too terrified and tired of talking about it.
  10. I don't have to pry open random items with my nails anymore at work but still can't keep my polish from chipping.
  11. Knowing I should try to quit smoking again, having a billion reasons to do so, but lacking the willpower.
  12. Not having enough damn storage space in this apartment, but I have no idea what all the crap currently filling said space even is.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

And the Battle Copntinues

I should know by now that if life seems like it's calming down and falling into place, it's really just a temporary repreive from chaos.
The sitter I hired when I got the DA job quit just two months into it, causing of course the upheaval of attempting to find yet another person to watch kiddo, who is actually even remotely qualified to deal with a child with special needs.
So I think to myself, hey, I'm imbedded in the school district now, what with kiddo in the Developmental program, shouldn't they be able to provide me resources for finding appropriate care? So I pop off a heartfelt email to the psychologist handling kiddos case, explaining that I lost another sitter, and his behavior was the cause, I need help finding a new sitter, and would also like help finding a behavioral counselor to work with us to find some way of handling him for the sitters. Mind you, I'm already tearing my hair out at the conversation this spurned between me and my ex, who feels that discipline should simply consist of threatening kiddo with beatings.
So, after sending off that email asking for helpful resources, you can imagine my shock and utter pissiness of getting back a letter that simply states I need to medicate my child. No resources, no list of childcare providers, not even a damn book recommendation, just "I recommend trial medications".
What. The. FUCK.
So, mamas and papas, and general friends who read this blog, once again you shall see the ferocious MotherHoodlum strap on a sheild and sword, and do battle with the great beast of stupidity.
I've asked my pediatrician to link me to UW's behavioral folks, who will give me a full evaluation. I've stated to them ahead of time medication is not on the damn table, especially considering he doesn't have a behavioral issue diagnosed. ANd today I get to go meet with aforementioned psychologist, whom I will promptly be explaining that I am REMOVING my son from their ridiculous care, because that was just the most retarded fucking thing anyone could have told me.