Friday, February 18, 2005

Hilarity ensues

So, without going into the gory details of how or why, I will say that my older brother Shawntay is now in temporary residence here at the House o' Hood. Good thing we have a third bedroom! The situation really does suite all for the better. He has a landing pad after a mighty big fall, I have companionship during the day and an extra hand helping with Monkey, and Rick has someone to play video games with and help keep him in a positive mood. Pleasantville all around, I'd say!
Most would find the prospect of Shawntay and I living together again as terrifying at best. We have this weird symbiotic sense of humour, we get insanely giggly around eachother and constantly trade zingers and bizarre one liners back and forth all day long. We have a history of getting into too much trouble, though, however I think our collective aging (and breeding) has mellowed us some. At one time we used to take pride in getting permanently banned from public places for attempting to throw eachother in fountains, doing the tango through the entire length of a light rail train (during rush hour), or chasing eachother through a mall with ice cream cones screaming "BONZAIIIIIIIIIII". He is my living breathing silly side, and God bless 'im for it.
Just thought I'd post a little update. Oh, yeah, here he is, as a result of a bet I forced him into for bragging too much on Madden 2005. My hubby is the masta!


fleshbasket said...

wow. that is one BOYZ2MEN lookin' mother-fucker. COLTS! good on ya, hubby...

darth sardonic said...

shawntay seems cool (well, i mean as much as you can tell coolness from one pic anyway), hope you're toofies are feeling better.

talk to ya soon,

darth sardonic