I really haven't had a whole lot to share lately, so sorry to the people who keep popping back here wondering what's new and entertaining. The divorce is...well, it's going, but at a snail's pace. Luckily, we've reached a point where we really don't dissagree on anything, so that works out to being a lot less stress.
Anthony is growing like a weed, of course, so he's been quite the handful. I don't get to spend as much time with him as I want, but I hope to change that a bit soon now that I am getting the car back from rick. His vocabular has grown to quite amusing proportions, so now we have these hysterical little "conversations" on our ride home, and he's been pretty much a riot.
Scott and I are blissfully well. Seriously, I've never been in a relationship that worked so well. We love eachother very much, and communicate easily. We haven't had a single fight in this time we've been together, and are supportive of eachother in every way. Granted, we're still so goofy over eachother that our friends kinda gag in our presence...
Work has been picking up rapidly. I finally have staff, and have been training like crazy. The trip to Texas last month was actually really good. I thought I was going to hate it, but I walked away not only appreciating my job more, but with several good new friends scattered around the country. We're about to swing into the infamous "golden quarter" which means I'll pretty much be wandering around in a constant state of exhaustion. Thankfully Scott has prepared himself for this, and is ready to stick by my crazy schedule, coffee cup at the ready!
So...yeah, all in all, things are good. I'm pretty much just truckin' through as best I can.
Have they found my brother? no. I haven't really even sorted out my own emotions about it yet, so it's hard to explain to ya'll how I've felt about it. I really don't think he's coming back. With the drugs he's been taking and the attitude he's adopted, really, he's become a lost cause if there ever was one. If he did, it would probably be just to use up the remaining resources he has at home, and then take off again. Hopefully my parents are strong enough to do the right thing and say no to him, but I doubt that will happen.